

东北师范大学博士研究生导师:薛康 正文
姓 名: 薛康 性别: 男
出生年月: 1958-10-0 工作单位: 东北师范大学
所在院系: 物理学院 职称: 教授
行政职务: 招生专业: 070201理论物理
研究领域: 量子可积系统 是否兼职: 否
指导博士生总数: 指导硕士生总数:
目前博士生数: 目前硕士生数:
【个人情况综述】 现任东北师范大学副校长,中国民主促进会会员,教授,博士生导师。兼任第九、十届全国政协委员,第九、十届民进中央委员,长春市民进主任委员,长春市政协副主席,中国物理学会会员,南开大学数学所理论物理研究室和中科院长春精密机械与物理研究所兼职教授、博士导师。 负责学校理科科研工作。主管科学技术处、学术期刊社、自然博物馆和科技馆;联系数学与统计学院、城市与环境科学学院。 【学习工作简历】 主要学习简历(含国内外访学): 1978.2—1982.2 东北师范大学物理系,理学学士 1982.2—1984.12 东北师范大学物理系,理学硕士 1987.9—1990.6 兰州大学物理系,理学博士 1990.9—1993.9 南开大学数学研究所,博士后 1991.9—1992.7 美国纽约洲立大学 Stony Brook分校,访问学者 1995.4—1995.7 美国加州大学 Daris分校,访问学者 1998.7—1998.8 韩国亚太地区理论物理中心,访问学者 1999.7—1999.9 新加坡国立大学物理系,访问学者 2000.7—2000.9 新加坡国立大学物理系,访问学者 主要工作简历: 1984.12—1987.9 东北师范大学物理系,助教、讲师 1990.9—1992.12 东北师范大学物理系,副教授 1992.12—现在 东北师范大学物理系,教授 1993.9—1999.6 东北师范大学物理系理论物理研究所,副所长,所长 1999.2—现在 东北师范大学,副校长
1.葛墨林,薛康,孙昌璞,傅洪忱,杨振宁-巴克斯特方程与量子群,国家教委科技进步奖,一等,1997年 2.薛康,霍英东高等院校青年教师奖(研究类)。二等,1994年 3.葛墨林,薛康,孙昌璞,吕景发,可积系统,杨-巴克斯特方程与量子群,国家教委科技进步奖,一等,1991年
2000年-2006年的论文: 1.C.M.Bai, M.L.Ge and K.Xue, Yangian and its applications, Inspired by s.s. chen: A Memorial vol.Ⅱ in Honor of A Great Mathematician, Edited by P.A. Griffiths, World Scientific, Singapore, 45-93(2006) 2.C.F.Wu,K.Xue, Yangian realigation for dirac oscillator, Int.Jtheor.Phys.44(2005)1217 3.C.F.Wu,J.L.Chen,L.C.Kwek,C.H.Oh,K.Xue, Continuous multiparticle entangled state in Wigner representation and Violation of the Zukowski-Brukner inegnality, Phys.Rew. A71(2005)022110 4.L.J.Tian, H.B.Zhang, S.Jin, K.Xue, Y(sl(2)) algebra application in extended hydrogen atom and monopole models,Commun.Theor.,Phys.41(2004)641 5.L.J.Tian, S.Jin, K.Xue, A realization an truncation of Yangian algebra in the feneralized hydrogen atom with a U(1) monopole, Chin.Phys.Lett.21(2004)767 6.S.Jin,K.Xue,Bh.Xie, A relization of Yangian and its applications to the bi-spin system in an external magnetic field,Commun.Theor.Phys.39(2003)1 7.C.M.Bai, M.L.Ge, K.Xue, Happer\'s curious degeneracits and Yangian, Int.J.Mod. Phys. B16(2002)1867 8.H.B.Zhang, M. L.Ge, K.xue ,so(5)structure of P-wave Suppevconductivity for the spin-dipole interaction model, J,phys. A-math.Gen. 35 (2002) 9.C.M. Bai, M.L. Ge, K. Xue, Further understanding of Hydrogtn atom: Yangian approach and physical effect, J. Stat. Phys. 102(2001)545 10.H.B. Zhang, M.L. Ge and K. Xue, Y(so (5))symmetry of the nonlinear schrodinger model with four components, J. Phys. A-Math. Gen. 34(2001)919 11.M.L.Ge,L.C.Kwek, C.H.Oh, K.Xue, Yangians and transition operators, Czech. J. phys. 50(2000)1229 12.H.B. Zhang, M.L. Ge and K. Xue, Local V(1) symmetry in Y(so(5))associated with the massless Thirring model and its Bethe ansaty, J. phys. A-Math. Gen. 33(2000)L345 13. 田立君,薛康,磁单极一氢原子系统的Yangian对称性和量子可积性,东北师范大学学报33(2001)No.3.38 14.金硕,薛康,外磁场下自旋系统的平移算子,东北师范大学学报。33(2001)No.4.37 1989年-1999年主要论文: 1. Greater aunderstanding of the hydrogen atom: RTT-integrability and Yangian symmetry,Phys.Lett.A260(1999)468(M.L.Ge,L.C.K.xue.Y.M.Cho,) 2. Possibie experimental Measure theory(J.L.Chen,M.L.Ge, K.Xue,) 3.RTT relation and long-range spin chain model Science in China A41(1998)974(Z.F.Wang, M. L. Ge and K. Xue ). 4.Coarse-grained description of q-deformation top and t-j model Science in China A41(1998)422) (J. L. Chen, Z. F. Wang, M. L. Ge and K. Xue) 5.The Haldane-Shastry model and RTT relations J.Phys. A 30(1997)5023(Z. F. Wang, G. L. Ge and K. Xue). 6.New truncated q-GC gyrostat and its physical implication Phys. Lett. A 235(1997)41(M. L. Ge. Z. F. Wang and K. Xue). 7.New solutions of reflection equation and Yang-Baxterization of Kmatrix with three eigenvalues Commun. Theor. Phys. 27(1997)169(X.J.Meng and K. Xue) 8.Transfer Matrix and Yangian Related to Caplygin-Goryacher Top Chinese. Phys. Lett.13(1996)641(K. Xue, Z. F. Wang, M. L. Ge and H. B. Zhang) 9.Truncated global transfer matrix: trigonometric Gorgcher-Chaplygin J. Phys. A 29(1996)6881(M. L. Ge and K. Xue) 10.Introduction to Yangian in physics,“ Topics in Theoretical Physics ”,ed. Y. M. Cho, In proceedings of the second Pacific Winter School for Theoretical Physics, World Scientific(Singapore, 1995),P87(M. L. Ge, K. xue and Y. W. Wang) 11.Truncated Yangian and Goryache-Chaplygin Gyrostat Phys. Lett . A 200 (1995)139(M. L. Ge, K. Xue and Y. W. Wang) 12.Solution of reflection equation for eight vertex model and its Yang-Baxterization Science Bulletin 39(1994) 309 (H. C. Fu, G. L. Ge and K. Xue) (in China) 13.Yang-Baxterization and algebraic structures,“ Braid group, knot the-ory and statistical mechanics II ”, eds. C. N. Yang and M. L. Ge World Scientific(Singapore, 1993)p130(M. L. Ge, K. Xue and Y. S. Wu) 14.Solutions of Yang-Baxter equations with colors: Standard and nonstandard J. Phys. A26(1993)4723(M. L. Ge, C.H. Oh, Y. W. Wang and K. Xue) 15.Non-standard solutions of Yang-Baxter equations and their properties Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on “ Differential Geometric methods in Theoretical Physics ”, Eds. By C. N. Yang, M. L. Ge and Z. W. Zhou, World Scientific(Singapore,1993)p38(M. L. Ge, K. Xue and Y. W. Wang). 16.Trigonometric Yang-Baxterization of colored ?-matrix J. Phys. A26 (1993)281(M. L. Ge and K. Xue) 17.Extended Birman-Wenzl algebra and its Yang-Baxterization J. Phys. A26(1993)1865(M. L. Ge, K. Xue) 18.Yang-Baxterization of reflection equations for ? with two distinct eigenvalues J. Phys. A26(1993)L847(H. C. Fu, K. Xue and M. L. Ge) 19.Relationships between different types of reflection equations and their Yang-Baxterization J. Phys. A26(1993)5953(K. Xue, H.C.Fu and M. L. Ge) 20.New R-matrices for the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the representations of the quantum superalgebra Su q osp (1,2) with q a root of unity Phys. Lett . A163(1992)176(M. L. Ge, C. P. Sun and K. Xue) 21.Yang-Baxterization and new solutions associated with Su(2) tensorial space V j V Commun. Theor. Phys. 18(1992)(M. L. Ge, W. Li and K. Xue) 22.Construction of general colored R-matrices for YBE and q-boson realization of quantum algebra SL q (2) when q is a root of unity Inter. J. Mod. Phys. A7(1992)6609(M. L. Ge, C. P. Sun and K. Xue) 23.New solutions of Yang-Baxter equation and new link polunomials Joural of Knot Theory and Its Tamifications 1(1992)31(Y.Cheng, M. L. Ge, G. Q. Liu, K. xue) 24.Solutions of Colored Yang-Baxter equation and properties of Mathematical Physics Science of China A8 (1992) 838 (in China) (M. L. Ge, L. Wang and K. Xue) 25.Braid group representation and solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation associated with 10-dimensional representation of SU(4) Commun. Theor. Phys . 18(1992)171(G. C. Yu, K. Xue and X. F. Wang) 26.Rational Yang-Baxterization of braid group representations Phys. Lett. A152(1991)266(M.L.Ge, K. Xue) 27.Yang-Baxterization of braid group representations Commun. Math. Phys. 136(1991)(Y. Cheng, M.L. Ge and K. Xue) 28.Explict trigonometric Yang-Baxterization Inter. J. Mod. Phys. A6(1991)3735(M.L.Ge, Y.S. Wu and K.Xue) 29.New solutions of braid group representation associated with Yang-Baxter equation J. Math. Phys. 32(1991)1301(M.L.Ge and K.Xue) 30.New solutions of Yang-Baxter equation and their Yang-Baxterization Inter. J. Mod. Phys. A6(1991)559(with Y.Cheng, M.Couture, M.L. Ge and K. Xue) 31.Boson realization of non-generic s l q (2) R-matrix for the Yang-Baxter equation J. Phys. A24(1991)L545(C. P. Sun, X. F. Liu, K. Xue and M.L.Ge) 32.New solutions of Yang-Baxter equation: Birman-Wenzl algebra and quantum group structures J. Phys. A24(1991)2679(M.L. Ge, G. C. Liu and K. Xue) 33.New quantum algebra associated with the exotic solutions of Yang-Baxter equations for A nMod. Phys. Lett. A6(1991)1173(M.L.Ge, G.C. Liu and K.Xue) 34.Weight conservation condition and structure of the braid group representation J. Phys. A24(1991)3443(M.L. Ge, Y. Q. Li, L.Y. Wang and K. Xue) 35.New solutions of Yang-Baxter equation without additivity and colored interpretation J. Phys. A24(1991)L895(M.L. Ge and K. Xue) 36.General solutions of R j and quantum group structure J. Phys. A24(1991)4955(M.L. Ge, X.F. Liu, C.P. Sun and K. Xue) 37.Exotic solutions of Yang-Baxter equation and the quantum group structure“Quantum Group”, ed. by T. Curtright, D. Fairlie and C. Zachos, World Scientific (Singapore, 1991)p97(M.L. Ge and K. Xue) 38.Exotic solutions of Yang-Baxter equation and Birman-Wenzl algebra In Proceedings of the Fourth Asia Pacific Physics Conference World Scientific (Singapore,1991)p706(M.L.Ge and K.Xue ) 39.Exotic solutions of Yang-Baxter equation and Yang-Baxterization approach In Proceedings of the 25 th Conference on High Energy Physics, South East Asia Theor. Phys. Association ,Physical Society of Japan and cosponsoring Association, 1991,p1407(M.L.Ge and K.Xue) 40.Braid group representations associated with Ζ n model Science Bulletin A8 (1991)268 (M.L.Ge,H.K.Zhao and K.Xue) 41.New R(x)-matrix, L(x)-operator and quantum algebra in spin model Commun.Theor.Phys. 16(1991)173(M.L.Ge,X.F.Liu,G.C.Yu and K.Xue) 42.An example of the absence of the non-standard solutions of QYBE Commun. Theor. Phys. 16(1991)421(M.L.Ge,X.F.Wang,G.C.Yu and K.Xue) 43.Quantum group construction of non-standard R-matrices for Yang-Baxterization Chinese Phys.Lett. 8(1991)(M.L.Ge,C.P.Sun and K.Xue) 44.Extended state expansions and the universality of Witten\'s version of link polynomial theory Inter.J.Mod.Phys. A5(1990)1975(M.L.Ge,Y.Q.Li and K.Xue) 45.Braid group representations related to the generalized Toda system Phys.Lett. A146(1990)245(M.L.Ge and K.Xue) 46.The braid group representations associated with some nonfundamental representations of Lie algebras J. Phys. A23(1990)605(M. L. Ge, Y. Q. Li, L. Y. Wang and K. Xue) 47.Extended state model and group approach to new link polynomials J.Phys. A23(1990)619(M.L.Ge,Y.Q.Li and K.Xue) 48.Weight conservation and quantum group construction of the group representation J.Phys. A23(1990)L645(M.L.Ge,C.P.Sun,L.Y.Wang and K.Xue) 49.Braid group representation associated with the 10-dimensional representation of SU(5)and its Yang-Baxterization J. Phys. A23(1990)2273(M.L.Ge,L.H.Gwa,F.Piao and K.Xue) 50.Braid group representation of the Z N model Phys. Lett . A151(1990)145(M.L.Ge,H.K.Zhao and K.Xue) 51.Witten\'s approach, braid group representations and x-deformations “Non-linear Physics”, ed. by C.H.Gu,Y.S.Li and G.Z.Tu,Springer- Verlag (Berlin,1990),p152(M.L.Ge,F.Piao,L.Y.Wang and K.Xue) 52.Akutzu-Wadati link polynomials from Feynman-Kauffman diagrams J.Mod.Phys. A4(1989)3351; “ Braid Group Knot Theory and Statistical Mechanics ” ,World Scientific(Singapore,1989),p201(M.L.Ge,L.Y.Wang K.Xue and Y.S.Wu) 53.Investigation of equations for coefficient functions of the Yang-Mills and their solutions Theor. Math. Phys. 73(1987)33(in Russian)(X.F.Wang,K.Xue) 学术专著: 1.葛墨林,薛康,杨-巴克斯特方程,上海科学技术出版社,1999 2.葛墨林,薛康,量子力学中的杨-巴克斯特方程,上海科技教育出版社,1998
1.Yangian的量子代数扩展、物理实现和在量子物理模型中的应用,自然科学基金,2006.1—2008.12,26万,主持 2.Yangian 的表示理论及其物理应用,教育部重点项目,2001.1—2004.12,10 万,主持 3.量子完全可积可积模型的研究,教育部,2001.1—2003.12,6万,主持 4.跨世纪优秀人材培养计划基金。教育部,1998.1—2000.12,30万,主持 5.优秀中青年教师基金,教育部,1996.1—1998.12,6.5万,主持 6.重点跟踪年青教师基金,教育部,1995.1—1997.12,6万,主持 7.辩子群,量子群与低维物理模型,教育部霍英东基金,1991.7—1994.6,1.88万(美元),主持

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