

桂林电子科技大学信息与通信学院导师:彭麟 正文
彭麟,男,广西人。自2001年起在电子科技大学求学十余载,分别于2005年、2008年和2013年获学士、硕士和博士学位(导师:阮成礼教授);期间2011.08-2013.02在美国休斯敦大学师从国际电磁学界著名学者IEEE Fellow, David R Jackson教授学习研究。本人自2013年7月到桂林电子科技大学工作。 科研成果:1)项目:主持项目:中央高校基本科研业务费基金项目(已结题),国家自然科学基金(在研), 参与项目:国防探索项目(已结题),国防预研项目(已结题),此外读研期间亦参与多个横向课题; 2)学术论文:在包括IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques和IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation在内的国际顶级期刊上发表一作学术论文数十篇,并获得较好的引用率; 3)专利:国家发明/国防专利10项,其中5项已授权。 此外本人亦担任IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques、IEEE Microwave and wireless components letters等10多个国际期刊的审稿人
一作/通信作者论文(期刊)[1] K. Sun, L. Peng*, Q. Li, X. M. Li and X. Jiang. Compact zeroth-order resonance loaded microstrip antenna with enhanced bandwidth for Wireless Body Area Networks/brain activity detection. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, accepted for publication. (学生排名第一)[2] 谢继杨、彭麟*、温保健、姜兴。基于谐振式反射器的UHF/S双频双定向蝶形天线,电波科学学报,已接收。(学生排名第一)[3] K. Sun, L. Peng*, Q. Li, and X. Jiang. T/L Shaped Zeroth-Order Resonators Loaded Microstrip Antenna With Enhanced Bandwidth For Wireless Applications, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C (PIER C), vol. 80, pp. 157-166, 2018. (学生排名第一)[4] L. Peng*, F. M. Yang and X. Jiang. Simple and Electrically Small EZR-MZR Resonator with Quasi-Isotropic pattern. IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification , vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 170-175, 2017[5] J. Y. Xie, L. Peng*, B. J. Wen and X. Jiang. Archimedean Spiral Antenna with Two Opposite Uni-directional Circularly Polarized Radiation Bands Designed by Resonance based Reflectors. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 70, pp. 23-30, Aug. 24, 2017. (学生排名第一)[6] L. Peng*, J. Y. Xie, X. F. Li and X. Jiang. Front to Back Ratio Bandwidth Enhancement of Resonance Based Reflector Antenna by Using A Ring-shape Director And Its Time-Domain Analysis. IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 15318-15325, Aug. 2017.[7] L. Peng*, K. Sun, X. Jiang, S. M. Li and C. L. Ruan. EZR-MZR Resonators for Compact Low-profile Omni-directional Circular-polarized Antenna Design. IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 9, No. 4, 4600615-1-15, 2017. doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2017.2723404.[8] L. Peng*, J. M. Mao, X. F. Li, X. Jiang and C. L. Ruan. Bandwidth enhancement of microstrip antenna loaded by parasitic zeroth-order resonators. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 1096-1100, 2017. (SCI: 000397857400027, EI: 20171303505775).[9] L. Peng*, B. J. Wen, X. F. Li, X. Jiang and S. M. Li. CPW Fed UWB Antenna by EBGs with Wide Rectangular Notched-band. IEEE Access, VOL. 4, 2016, PP. 9545-9552. (SCI: 000400869400001, EI: 20171203452672, 被引次数:1 )[10] L. Peng*, J. Y. Xie, K. Sun, X. Jiang and S. M. Li. Resonance based Reflector and Its Application in Uni-directional Antenna with Low-profile and Broadband Characteristics for Wireless Applications. Sensors, 16(12): 2092. (SCI: 000391303000111, EI:, , 被引次数:2).[11] L. Peng*, J. Y. Xie, X. Jiang and C. L. Ruan. Design and analysis of a new ZOR antenna with wide half power beam width (HPBW) characteristic. Frequenz, Vol. 71, no. 1-2, pp. 41-50, Jan. 2017. DOI: 10.1515/freq-2016-0142, Published online: Oct. 13, 2016. (SCI: 000394155300006 , EI: 20170603337120, 被引次数:3).[12] L. Peng*, Y. J. Qiu, X. Jiang, and C. L. Ruan. A Low-pass Filter with Sharp transition and Wide Stop-band Designed based on New Metamaterial Transmission Line. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 1250-1256, 2016. (SCI: 000383653300014, EI: 20164002875354).[13] L. Peng*, Y. J. Qiu, L. Y. Luo and X. Jiang. Bandwidth Enhanced L-Shaped Patch Antenna with Parasitic Element for 5.8-GHz Wireless Local Area Network Applications. Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 91, no. 3, pp. 1163-1170, 2016. (SCI: 000388970900010, EI: 20163002638473).[14] L. Peng*, K. Sun, J. Y. Xie, Y. J. Qiu and X. Jiang. UWB Bi-directional Bow-tie Antenna Loaded by Rings. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 22-30, 2016. (SCI: 000379709900005, 被引次数:2)[15] L. Peng*, J. Y. Xie, X. Jiang and S. M. Li. Investigation on Ring/Split-Ring Loaded Bow-Tie Antenna for Compactness and Notched-Band. Frequenz, 70(3-4): 89-99, 2016. (SCI: 000371340700002, EI: 20161202115754,被引次数:4).[16] L. Peng*, J. Y. Xie, X. Jiang and S. M. Li. Wideband microstrip antenna loaded by elliptical rings. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 154-166, 2016. (SCI: 000375201600002, EI: 20154601528328, 被引次数:2).[17] L. Peng*, J. Y. Xie, S. M. Li, and X. Jiang. Compact Bandpass Filter Serves Dual-band Needs. Microwaves & RF, September 2015, 58-60.[18] L. Peng*, X. Jiang. Ultra-compact UHF Band-pass Filter Designed by Archimedes Spiral Capacitor and Shorted-loaded Stubs. Frequenz, 69(1-2): 71-73, 2015. (SCI: 000347649000010, EI: 20150400445966).[19] L. Peng* and C. L. Ruan. UWB band-notched monopole antenna design using electromagnetic bandgap structures. IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1074-1081, 2011. (SCI: 000289481900005, EI: 20111613918990,被引次数:112).[20] L. Peng*, C. L. Ruan, and J. Xiong. Compact EBG for multi-band applications. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 4440-4444, 2012. (SCI: 000308460600048, EI: 20123815444326,被引次数:35) .[21] L. Peng*, C. L. Ruan, and Z. Q. Li. A novel compact and polarization-dependent mushroom-type EBG using CSRR for dual/triple-band applications. IEEE Microwave and wireless components letters, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 489-491, 2010. (SCI: 000283244300005, EI: 20103713224265,被引次数:33) .[22] L. Peng*, C. L. Ruan, and X. H. Wu. Design and operation of dual/triple-band asymmetric M-shaped microstrip patch antennas. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 9, pp. 1069-1072, 2010. (SCI: 000285052400002, EI: 20105013488078,被引次数:40) .[23] L. Peng* and C. L. Ruan. Design, analysis and implementation of novel metamaterial transmission line with dual composite right/left-handed and conventional composite right/left-handed properties. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propag., vol. 6, no. 15, pp. 1687-1695, 2012. (SCI:000318230800009,EI: 20132916510152, 被引次数:9).[24] L. Peng* and C. L. Ruan. A microstrip fed patch antenna with two parasitic invert L stubs for dual-band WLAN applications. Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 727-734, 2011. (SCI: 000288797400014, EI: 20112013984202,被引次数:11).[25] L. Peng*, C. L. Ruan, C. Y. Ding, and M. H. Yang. Design of a compact, wide stopband microstrip band-pass filter. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 830-833, 2010. (SCI: 000275640100015, EI: 20100912737784,被引次数:1) .[26] L. Peng*, C. L. Ruan, and X. C. Yin. Analysis of the small slot-loaded elliptical patch antenna with a band-notched for UWB applications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, no. (4), pp. 973-976, 2009. (SCI: 000264111800028, EI: 20091512020493,被引次数:24) .[27] L. Peng* and C. L. Ruan. Wide-band ultralow-profile compact microstrip antenna loaded by slots. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1099-1105, 2008. (SCI: 000257138000007, EI: 20081811233828,被引次数:4) .[28] L. Peng*, C. L. Ruan, Y. L. Chen, G. M. Zhang. A novel band-notched elliptical ring monopole antenna with a coplanar parasitic elliptical patch for UWB applications. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 517-528, 2008. (SCI: 000255003300006, EI: 20081811235582,被引次数:42) .[29] L. Peng* and C. L. Ruan. Design and Time-Domain Analysis of Compact Multi-Band-Notched UWB Antennas with EBG Structures. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, vol. 47, pp. 339-357, 2013. (EI: 20131216136274, 被引次数:22).[30] L. Peng* and C. L. Ruan. A microstrip fed monopole patch antenna with three stubs for dual-band WLAN applications. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 21, no. 15, pp. 2359-2369, 2007. (SCI: 000252223700017, EI: 20075110979891,被引次数:16) .
1) 2011年8月-2013年2月, CSC公派联合培养博士, 美国休斯敦大学(University of Houston), 电磁场与微波理论 (师从IEEE Fellow,David R Jackson教授)2) 2008年8月-2013年6月, 博士, 电子科技大学, 无线电物理.(师从阮成礼教授)3) 2005年8月-2008年6月, 硕士,电子科技大学,无线电物理. (师从阮成礼教授)4) 2001年8月-2005年6月, 本科, 电子科技大学,电子信息科学与技术 专业. 以上老师的信息来源于学校网站,如有更新或错误,请联系我们进行更新或删除,联系方式
