

桂林电子科技大学数学与计算科学学院导师:马忠军 正文
马忠军,男,湖南隆回人,1973年生,博士,教授。1993年毕业于邵阳师专,2004年3月于昆明理工大学获得硕士学位,2007年3月于上海大学获得博士学位。 2007年博士生毕业时,获得上海市优秀毕业生称号。
[1] Jianbao Zhang, *Zhongjun Ma, and Guanrong Chen, Robustness of cluster synchronous patterns in small-world networks with inter-cluster co-competition balance, Chaos 24(2), Article ID023111, 2014.[2] Jianbao Zhang, *Zhongjun Ma and Gang Zhang, Cluster synchronization induced by one-node clusters in networks with asymmetric negative couplings, Chaos, 23(4), Article ID 043128,2013.[3] *Zhongjun Ma, Suzhang Zhang, Guirong Jiang amd Kezan Li, Effect of the coupling matrix with a weight parameter on synchronization pattern in a globally coupled network, Nonlinear Dynamics, 74(1-2), pp 55-64,2013.[4] *Zhongjun Ma, Yi Wang and Guirong Jiang, Bifurcation analysis of a linear Hamiltonian system with two kinds of impulsive control, Nonlinear Dynamics, 70(4), pp 2367-2374, 2012.[5] Xiaomei Li, *Zhongjun Ma, Chunhai Li and Jinde Cao, Third-order leader- following consensus in a nonlinear multiagent network via impulsive control, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 612342, 2013.[6] Jianbao Zhang, *Zhongjun Ma and Jinde Cao, Full Synchronization Studied by a Set of Partitions Connected Together, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 352826, 2013.[7] Jianbao Zhang, *Zhongjun Ma and Gang Zhang, Control schemes for synchronizing two subnetworks with weak couplings, Chinese Physics B, 23(1), Article ID 010507, 2014.[8] 谢媛艳,王毅,*马忠军,领导-跟随多智能体系统的滞后一致性,物理学报, 63(4), Article ID 040202, 2014. [9] *Zhaohui Yuan, Zhongjun Ma and Xianhua Tang,Global stability of a delayed HIV infection model with nonlinear incidence rate,Nonlinear Dynamics, 68(1-2), pp 207-214, 2012.[10] *Kezan Li, Zhongjun Ma, Zhen Jia, Michael Small and Xinchu Fu,Interplay between collective behavior and spreading dynamics on complex networks,Chaos, 22(4), Article ID 043113, 2012.[11] *张恺,马忠军,李科赞. 朋友关系网络的实证统计研究,电子科技大学学报 43(3), 335-340,2014.[12] Zhongjun Ma, *Yi Wang, and Xiaomei Li, Cluster-delay consensus in first-order multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 83(3): 1303-1310.[13] Yi Wang,and *Zhongjun Ma, Lag consensus of the second-order leader-following multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics. Neurocomputing, 2016, 171: 82-88.[14] Chengdai Huang, *Jinde Cao, and Zhongjun Ma, Delay-induced bifurcation in a tri-neuron fractional neural network. International Journal of Systems Science, 2015: DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2015.1110641.[15] Yi Wang, *Zhongjun Ma, Jinde Cao,and etc. Adaptive Cluster Synchronization in Directed Networks with Nonidentical Nonlinear Dynamics. Complexity, 2016, 21: 380-387.[16] *马忠军, 甘晓亮, 蒋贵荣. 具有时滞和时变系数的离散多智能体系统的一致性. 控制与决策 2016,31: 1785-1790.[17] Yi Wang, *Zhongjun Ma, Song Zheng, and Guanrong Chen. Pinning Control of Lag-Consensus for Second-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS. 网上已出版:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7526315/[18] 吴彬彬,*马忠军,王毅. 领导-跟随多智能体系统的部分分量一致性.物理学报,2017,66: 060201.[19]Zhongjun Ma, Gang Zhang,Yi Wang,*Zengrong Liu. Cluster synchronization in star-like complex networks, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical,2008, 41: 155101.[20] Zhongjun Ma, *Zengrong Liu, Gang Zhang. Generalized synchroni-zation of discrete systems. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007,28(5): 609-614.[21] 马忠军, *刘曾荣, 张刚. 混沌网络的聚类同步方法. 力学学报,2006,38(3): 385-391.[22] Zhongjun Ma, *Zengrong Liu, Gang Zhang. A new method to realize cluster synchronization in connected chaotic networks. Chaos, 2006,16(2): 023103. 主持的项目:1. 已结题项目:(1) 主持国家自然科学基金项目“正负权重网络的动力学研究”(信息方向,批准号:60964006,起止年月:2010.1-2012.12)。该项目已经结题。(2) 主持广西自然科学基金项目“混沌动力学网络的同步与控制”(批准号:2013GXNSFAA019006,起止年月:2013.3-2016.6)。该项目已经结题。(3) 主持广西教育厅“十一五”规划项目“教师科研与数学基础课教学相结合的应用研究”(批准号:2010C066,起止年月:2010.1-2013.6)。2. 在研项目:(1) 主持国家自然科学基金项目“非线性多智能体网络上的一致性” (力学方向,批准号:11562006,起止年月:2016.1-2019.12)。(2) 主持广西高等学校优秀中青年骨干教师培养工程项目,预计2017年年底结题。
