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湖南大学土木工程学院导师:邓露 正文






学术兼职:期刊编委:- 美国土木工程师协会ASCE《Journal of Bridge Engineering》副主编- 美国土木工程师协会ASCE《Journal of Aerospace Engineering》编委- 中国工程院院刊《Engineering》通讯评审专家学会兼职:- 中国海洋工程协会常务理事- 美国土木工程师协会试验分析与器械委员会委员- 国际桥梁维护与安全协会会员- 国际桥梁与结构工程协会会员- 湖南省力学学会常务理事- ASCE《Journal of Bridge Engineering》等20余个国际期刊审稿专家
主持的科研项目包括:- 国家自然科学基金项目(51778222,2018.1-2021.12):基于多目标动态跟踪的桥梁动态称重方法研究与试验验- 国家自然科学基金项目(51478176,2015.1-2018.12):考虑结构抗力时变性和动力冲击系数独立随机性的公路桥梁限载研究- 国家自然科学基金项目(51208189,2013.1-2015.12):基于可靠度的适用于既有桥梁承载力评估的动力冲击系数- 湖南省重点研发计划项目(2018.1-2020.12):城市桥梁健康监测与安全预警关键技术研究- 湖南省杰出青年基金项目(14JJ1014,2014.1-2016.12):随机车流作用下简支梁桥的动力冲击系数研究- 湖南省创新创业培养对象(2014.9-2017.9):海上浮式风机基础的性能研究与控制- 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目子课题(2013.1-2015.12):基于钢筋混凝土结构的海上风力发电机组局部浮力基础研制- 湖南省科技厅项目(2014-2016):桥梁动态称重技术开发和应用- 铁道部重大科研专项(2017.6-2019.12):超大吨位非对称转体混合梁斜拉桥的建造新技术研究
学术专著:Lu Deng and C.S. Cai, (2009). Framework of Bridge-Vehicle Interaction and its Applications: System Identification Based on their Coupled Vibration. VDM Verlag, Germany. ISBN-10: 3639145755, ISBN-13: 978-3639145755.
英文期刊论文: (截止至2016.12月,一共发表SCI收录论文42篇,其中桥梁工程领域国际顶级期刊ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering共15篇)。1.Deng, L., and *Cai, C.S. (2007,03). “Application of fiber optic sensors in civil Engineering.” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, an International Journal 25(5), 577-596. (SCI, EI);2.Deng, L., and *Cai, C.S. (2009,10). “Identification of parameters of vehicles moving on bridges.” Engineering Structures, 31(10), 2474-2485. (SCI, EI);3.Deng, L., and *Cai, C.S. (2010,09). “Bridge model updating using response surface method and genetic algorithm.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 15(5), 553-564. (SCI, EI);4.Deng, L., and *Cai, C.S. (2010,01). “Development of dynamic impact factor for performance evaluation of existing multi-girder concrete bridges.” Engineering Structures, 32(1), 21-31. (SCI, EI);5.*Deng, L., and Cai, C.S. (2010,05). “Bridge Scour: Prediction, Modeling, Monitoring, and Countermeasures – A Review.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction (ASCE), 15(2), 125-134.;6.Deng, L., and *Cai, C.S. (2010,12). “Identification of dynamic vehicular axle loads: theory and simulations.” Journal of Vibration and Control, 16(14), 2167-2194. (SCI, EI);7.Xiong, W., Xiao, R.C., Deng, L., and *Cai, C.S. (2010,02). “Methodology of long-term real-time condition assessment for existing cable-stayed bridges.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 13(1), 111-125. (SCI, EI);8.Yin, X.F., *Cai, C.S., Fang, Z., and Deng, L. (2010,09). “Bridge vibration under vehicular loads – tire patch contact versus point contact.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 10(3), 529-554. (SCI, EI);9.Yin, X.F., *Fang, Z., Cai, C.S., and Deng, L. (2010,08). “Non-stationary random vibration of bridges under vehicles with variable speed.” Engineering Structures, 32(8), 2166-2174. (SCI, EI);10.*Deng, L., and Cai, C.S. (2011.02). “Identification of dynamic vehicular axle loads: demonstration by a field study.” Journal of Vibration and Control, 17(2), 183-195. (SCI, EI);11.*Deng, L., Cai, C.S., and Barbato, M. (2011,11). “Reliability-based dynamic load allowance for capacity rating of prestressed concrete girder bridges.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 16(6), 872-880. (SCI, EI);12.Xiong, W., *Cai, C.S., Xiao, R.C., and Deng, L. (2012,01). “Concept and analysis of stay cables with a CFRP steel composite section.” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 16(1), 107-117. (SCI, EI);13.Shao, X.D., *Hu, J., Deng, L., and Cao, J.H. (2014,03). “Conceptual design of super-span partial ground-anchored cable-stayed bridges with crossing stay cables.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 19(3), 06013001. (SCI, EI);14.Zhang, Y., *Cai, C.S., and Deng, L. (2014,08). “Piezoelectric-based energy harvesting in bridge systems”. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 25(12), 1414-1428. (SCI, EI);15.*Deng, L., Yu, Y., Zou, Q.L., and Cai, C.S. (2015,05). “State-of-the-art Review on Dynamic Impact Factors of Highway Bridges”. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2015(5), 20(5), 04014080. (SCI, EI);16.Wang, W., Yan, W.C., *Deng, L., and Kang, H.J. (2015,05). “Dynamic Analysis of a Cable-Stayed Concrete-filled Steel Tube Arch Bridge under Vehicle Loading”. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2015(5), 20(5) , 04014082. (SCI, EI);17.*Deng, L., He, W., and Shao, Y. (2015,11). “Dynamic impact factors for shear and bending moment of simply-supported and continuous concrete girder bridges.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2015(11), 20(11), 04015005. (SCI, EI);18.*Deng, L., Wang, F., and He, W. (2015,06). “Dynamic Impact Factors for Simply-supported Bridges due to Vehicle Braking.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015(6), 18(6), 791-801. (SCI, EI);19.*Deng, L., and Wang, F. (2015,11). “Impact factors of simply-supported prestressed concrete girder bridges due to vehicle braking.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2015(11), 20(11) , 06015002. (SCI, EI);20.Yin, X., Liu, Y., Deng, L., Cai, C.S. (2016,01). “Impact factors of bridges in service under stochastic traffic flow and road surface progressive deterioration”. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016(1), 19(1),38-52. (SCI, EI);21.*Deng, L., Yan, W., and Q. Zhu (2016,02). “Vehicle impact on deck slab of concrete box-girder bridges due to damaged expansion joints.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2016(2), 21(2), 06015006. (SCI, EI) ;22.*Deng, L., Wang, W., and Yu, Y. (2016,04). “State-of-the-art Review on the Causes and Mechanisms of Bridge Collapse”. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), 2016(4), 30(2), 04015005. (SCI, EI);23.Yu, Y., *Deng, L., Wang, W., and Cai, C.S. (2017, 1). “Local impact analysis for deck slabs of prestressed concrete box-girder bridges subject to vehicle loading”. Journal of Vibration and Control, 23(1),31-45. (SCI, EI);24.*Deng, L., Cao, R., and Wang, W. (2016, 10). “A multi-point tire model for studying bridge-vehicle coupled vibration.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2016(10), 16(8), 1-22. (SCI, EI);25.Zou, Q., *Deng, L., Guo, T., and Yin, X. (2016,11). “Comparative study of different numerical models for vehicle-bridge interaction analysis.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2016(11), 16(9), 1550057. Published online: 6 October 2015. (SCI, EI) ;26.Yan, W., and *Deng, L. (2016, 9). “Allowable slope change of approach slabs based on the interacted vibration with passing vehicles.” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(6), 2469-2482. (SCI, EI) ;27.Chen, Y-L, Huang, L., Lu, Y-Q, Deng, L., and Tan, H-Z. (2016,10). “Assessment of Structural Robustness under Different Events According to Vulnerability”. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2016, 30(5): 04016004. (SCI, EI);28.Wang, W., and *Deng, L. (2016,05). “Impact Factors for Fatigue Design of Steel I-girder Bridges Considering the Deterioration of Road Surface Condition.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2016, 21(5), 04016011. (SCI, EI);29.Wang, W., *Deng, L. and Shao, X. (2016,03). “Number of Stress Cycles for Fatigue Design of Simply-Supported Steel I-girder Bridges Considering the Dynamic Effect of Vehicle Loading.” Engineering Structures, 2016, 110,70-78. (SCI, EI);30.Yu, Y., Cai, C.S., and Deng, L. (2016). “Vehicle axle identification using wavelet analysis of bridge global responses”. Journal of Vibration and Control, Accepted on Nov 26. (SCI, EI);31.Zhang, S., Shao, X., Cao, J., Cui, J., Hu, J., and Deng, L. (2016,07). “Fatigue Performance of a Lightweight Composite Bridge Deck with Open Ribs”. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2016, 21(7): 04016039. (SCI, EI);32.Ji, W., *Deng, L., Liu, S., and Lin, P. (2016,06). “Study of vertical bending vibration frequencies of continuous PC box girders with corrugated steel webs.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016, 19(6), 953-965. (SCI, EI);33.Liu, Y., Yin, X., Deng, L., and Cai, C.S. (2016) “Ride comfort of the bridge-traffic-wind coupled system considering bridge surface deterioration.” Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 23(1):19-43.;34.Zou, Q.L., *Deng, L., and Jiang, C. (2016,09). “Predicting the Bounds of Vehicle-induced Bridge Responses Using the Interval Analysis Method” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2016, 21(9): 04016046. (SCI, EI);35.Yin, X., Liu, Y., Deng, L., and Kong, X. (2017,03). “Dynamic behavior of damaged bridge with multiple cracks under moving vehicular loads.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2017(3), 17(2), 1750019. (SCI, EI);36.Xu, G., Cai, C.S., and Deng, L. (2017,02). “Numerical Prediction of Solitary Wave Forces on a Typical Coastal Bridge Deck with Girders”,Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017, 13(2), 254-272.(SCI, EI);37.Wang, W., *Deng, L., and Shao, X. (2016,09). “Fatigue Design of Steel Bridges Considering the Effect of Dynamic Vehicle Loading and Overloaded Trucks.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2016, 21(9): 04016048. (SCI, EI);38.Yu, Y., Cai, C.S., and Deng, L. (2016,09). “State-of-the-art Review on Bridge Weigh-in-motion Technology.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016, 19(9), 1514-1530. (SCI, EI);39.Yuan, J., *Deng, L., and Wei He (2017) “Evaluation of existing PC bridges considering the randomness of live load distribution factor due to vehicle transverse loading position.” Advances in Structural Engineering, Accepted on July 18, 2016. (SCI, EI);40.He, W., *Deng, L., Shi, H., Cai, C.S., and Yu, Y. (2017,04) “Novel virtual simply-supported beam method for detecting vehicle speed and axles.” Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2017, 22(4): 04016141. (SCI, EI);41.Cao, J., Shao, X., Deng, L. and Cui, J., Gan, Y. (2016). “Static and Fatigue Behavior of Short Headed Studs Embedded in Thin UHPC Layer”. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), Accepted on Nov 18, 2016. (SCI, EI);42.Kong, X., Cai, C.S., Deng, L. and Zhang, W. (2016). “Using Dynamic Responses of Moving Vehicles to Extract Bridge Modal Properties of a Field Bridge”. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), Accepted on Dec 10, 2016. (SCI, EI);43.L. Deng, W. Wang, and C.S. Cai (2017,02). “Effect of pavement maintenance cycle on the fatigue reliability of simply-supported steel I-girder bridges under dynamic vehicle loading”, Engineering Structures, 2017, 133,124-132. (SCI, EI)
中文期刊论文:[1] 邓露*, 李向东 (2005). “路基土的CBR强度与压实度关系的试验研究.” 华中科技大学学报(城市科学版), 22(z1), 109-111.[2] 邓露*, 何维,王芳 (2015). “不同截面类型简支梁桥的动力冲击系数研究.” 振动与冲击, 34(14):74–79. (EI)[3] 邓露*,闫王晨,朱全军 (2015). “路桥过渡段容许台阶高度的确定.” 湖南大学学报, 42(3):100-105. (EI)[4] 邓露*,肖志颖,黄民希,宋晓萍,吴海涛 (2015). “考虑流固耦合的近海风机动力响应数值计算.” 湖南大学学报, 42(7):1-8. (EI)[5] 邓露*,王芳 (2015). “汽车制动作用下预应力混凝土简支梁桥的动力响应及冲击系数研究” 湖南大学学报, 42(9):52-58. (EI)[6] 殷新峰,邓露* (2015). “随机车流作用下桥梁冲击系数分析.” 湖南大学学报, 42(9):68-75. (EI)[7] 邓露*,毕涛,何维 (2015). “考虑桥梁限重标志对驾驶员行为约束的车辆荷载效应研究.” 湖南大学学报, 42(11):49-55. (EI)[8] 邓露*,王彪,肖志颖,宋晓萍,吴海涛 (2015). “钢筋混凝土浮式风机平台的概念设计与性能研究.” 华中科技大学学报, 44(1):11-15. (EI)[9] 邓露*,肖志颖,王彪,宋晓萍,吴海涛 (2015).“半潜型浮式风机平台的完整稳定性研究.” 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 已录用. (EI,CSCD)[10] 邓露*,王彪,肖志颖,宋晓萍 (2016).“半潜型浮式风机平台的研究综述.” 船舶工程, 已录用. (CSCD)[11] 冀伟*,邓露,蔺鹏臻(2016) “变截面波形钢腹板PC箱梁桥的动力特性分析.” 铁道工程学报,2016, 33(3): 54-58. (EI)[12] 冀伟,邓露*,何维,刘世忠,蔺鹏臻(2016).“公路波形钢腹板PC简支箱梁桥冲击系数的计算分析”. 桥梁建设,2016, 46 (3): 46-50. (EI)[13] 邓露*,黄民希,肖志颖,宋晓萍,吴海涛(投稿2015.6.8).“考虑气动阻尼的浮式风机频域响应分析.” 湖南大学学报, 已录用. (EI,CSCD)[14] 邓露*,王维 (2016). “公路桥梁动力冲击系数研究进展.” 动力学与控制学报, 已录用. [15] 邓露*,王维,何旭辉. “基于美国规范的桥梁疲劳设计优化及应用.”中国公路学报, 2017,30(3),40-48. (EI)[16] 邓露*,毕涛,何维,王维. “基于桥梁构件疲劳寿命的公路桥梁限载研究.”中国公路学报, 2017,30(4),72-78. (EI)[17] 邓露*,唐梓珈,王彪,宋晓萍,吴海涛 (2015). “半潜型浮式风机运动特征及系泊系统的研究.” 船舶工程, 已录用. (CSCD)[18] 冀伟,邓露*, 刘世忠, 蔺鹏臻(2016). “等截面波形钢腹板PC连续箱梁桥竖向弯曲振动频率的计算.” 振动与冲击,2016, 35(18), 140-146. (EI)[19] 冀伟, 邓露, 何维, 刘世忠, 蔺鹏臻. 波形钢腹板PC简支箱梁桥局部与整体动力冲击系数的计算分析, 振动与冲击, 2017,已录用. (EI)[20] 冀伟, 邓露, 刘世忠, 蔺鹏臻. 波形钢腹板PC简支箱梁桥的扭转振动频率分析,振动、测试与诊断, 2017,已录用. (EI)[21] 冀伟, 邓露, 何 维. 波形钢腹板PC箱梁桥的车桥耦合振动分析及动力冲击系数计算, 振动工程学报, 2017,已录用. (EI)[22] 邓露,鲜亚兰,邵旭东. 轻型钢-UHPC组合桥面板的疲劳可靠性评估,中南大学学报,2017,已录用. (EI)[23] 邓露,聂新民,毕涛,何维. 双自由度磁悬浮式桥梁振动能量采集器的数值仿真和优化研究,湖南大学学报,2017,已录用. (EI) [24] 邓露,段林利,邹启令. 桥梁应变与挠度动力放大系数的大小关系研究,工程力学,2017,已录用. (EI)[25] 邓露,吴松熊,钟文杰,宋晓萍. 风浪夹角变化对海上浮式风机系泊的影响分析,土木工程与管理学报,2017,4月17日已录用. [26] 邓露,屈夏霞,王维. 考虑车桥耦合振动的钢梁桥腹板间隙的疲劳分析,中外公路,2017,已录用. [27] 邓露,施海,何维,罗杰.基于虚拟简支梁法的桥梁动态称重研究,振动与冲击,2017,已录用. (EI)[28] 邓露,段林利,何维,冀伟. 用于我国公路车桥耦合振动研究的车辆模型及参数取值确定,中国公路学报,2017,已录用. (EI)

2001年-2005年,华中科技大学,土木工程专业,获学士学位。专业成绩排名300学生第一。2005年-2009年,美国路易斯安那州立大学,土木工程专业,获博士学位。博士论文:基于车桥耦合振动的系统识别。 以上老师的信息来源于学校网站,如有更新或错误,请联系我们进行更新或删除,联系方式


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