

宁波大学医学院导师:刘昱 正文
1. Y Liu,D Lin,B Wu,W Zhou. (2016) Ketamine abuse potential and use disorder. Brain Research Bulletin,2016,126:68-73
2. Li X, Li S, Zheng W, Pan J, Huang K, Chen R, Pan T, Liao G, Chen Z, Zhou D, Shen W, Zhou W, Liu Y (Corresponding author). Environmental Enrichment and abstinence attenuate ketamine-induced cardiac and renal toxicity (2015 Jun). Scientific Reports. 265:11611.
3. Huang X, Huang K1, Zheng W, Beveridge TJ, Yang S, Li X, Li P, Zhou W, Liu Y (Corresponding author) (2015 Feb) The effects of GSK-3β blockade on ketamine self-administration and relapse to drug-seeking behavior in rats. Drug and Alcohol Depend. 147:257-65.
4. Wu W, Liu Y, Huang X, Chen L, Zhai H (2014) Involvement of insular muscarinic cholinergic receptors in morphine-induced conditioned place preference in rats. Psychopharmacology. 2014 Oct 231(21):4109-18.
5. Liu Y, Li L, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Shen W, Xü H, Wang G, Lü W, Zhou W. (2013 Aug) Assessment of attitudes towards methadone maintenance treatment between heroin users at a compulsory detoxification centre and methadone maintenance clinic in Ningbo, China. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 8(1):29.
6. Shen W,Liu Y,Li L, Zhang Y,Zhou W. (2012 Oct) Negative moods correlate with craving in female methamphetamine users enrolled in compulsory detoxification.Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 30 7:44.
7. Zhao C, Lou Z, Zimmer B, Yu Z, Li P, Ma B, Sun Y, Huang K, Zhou W, Liu Y (corresponding author) (2012, October) Chronic treatment with curcumin enhances methamphetamine locomotor sensitization and cue-induced reinstatement of methamphetamine self-administration. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 102(4):555-61.
8. Lü X, Zhao C, Zhang L, Ma B, Lou Z, Sun Y, Chen J, Wu W, Beveridge TJR, Zhou W, Liu Y (corresponding author) (2012, August) The effects of rearing condition on methamphetamine self-administration and cue-induced drug seeking. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 124 (3) 288-298. 5
9. Liu Y, Barlette N, Li L, Zhang Y, Zhou W (2012, February) Attitudes and knowledge about naloxone and overdose prevention among detained drug users in Ningbo, China. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 7(1):6
11. Shen W, Liu Y, Li L, Zhang Y, Zhou W (2012) Negative moods correlate with craving in female methamphetamine users enrolled in compulsory detoxification. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 307: 44.
12. Liu H, Lai M, Zhou X, Zhu H, Liu Y, Sun A, Ma B, Zhang F, Zhou W. (2012, June) Galantamine attenuates the heroin seeking behaviors induced by cues after prolonged withdrawal in rats. Neuropharmacology. 62(8):2515-21.
13. Liu S, Zhu F, Lai M, Sun L, Liu Y, Zhou W (2012) Electroacupuncture suppresses discrete cue-evoked heroin-seeking and fos protein expression in the nucleus accumbens core in rats. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 20122012:286404. doi: 10.1155/2012/286404.
14. Liu Y, Bao YP, Sun HQ, Beveridge TJ, Li SX, Di XL, Yang FD, Lu L (2010, August) Long-term treatment with aripiprazole on the waking and postprandial urges to smoke in Chinese heavy smokers. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 30(4):373-80.
15. Li L, Liu Y(co-first author), Zhang Y, Beveridge TJ, Zhou W (2010 Oct) Temporal changes of smoking status and motivation among Chinese heroin-dependent, methadone-maintained smokers. Addictive Behaviors. 35(10):861-5.
16. Liu Y, Liang J, Zhao C, Zhou W (2010, May) Looking for a solution for drug addiction in China: exploring the challenges and opportunities in the way of China’s new Drug Control Law. International Journal of Drug Policy. 21(3):149-54.
17. Zhao LY, Shi J, Zhang XL, Epstein DH, Zhang XY, Liu Y, Kosten TR, Lu L (2010, February) Stress Enhances Retrieval of Drug-Related Memories in Abstinent Heroin Addicts. Neuropsychopharmacology. 35(3):720-6.
18. Liu Y, Sun HQ, Bao YP, Li XY, Beveridge TJR, Di XL, Yang FD, Lin L (2009, April 1) Subjective, cognitive/psychomotor, and physiological effects of aripiprazole in Chinese light and heavy smokers. Drug Alcohol Dependence. 101(1-2):42-52. 12
19. Morgan D, Liu Y (co-first author), Olson EB and Roberts DCS (2009, January) Cocaine self-administration on a hold-down schedule of reinforcement. Psychopharmacology. 201(4):601-9.
20. Lu L, Liu Y, Zhu W, Shi J, Liu Y, Ling W, Kosten TR. (2009)Traditional medicine in the treatment of drug addiction. American Journal of Drug Alcohol Abuse. 35(1):1-11.
21. Yu LL, Wang XY, Zhao M, Liu Y, Li YQ, Li FQ, Wang X, Xue YX, Lu L (2009, June) Effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant in consolidation and reconsolidation of methamphetamine reward memory in mice. Psychopharmacology. 204(2):203-11.
22. Sun HQ, Guo S, Chen DF, Jiang ZN, Liu Y, Di XL, Yang FD, Zhang XY, Kosten TR, Lu L. (2009) Family support and employment as predictors of smoking cessation success: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of nicotine sublingual tablets in Chinese smokers. American Journal of Drug Alcohol Abuse. 35(3):183-8.
23. Ren ZY, Zhang XL, Liu Y, Zhao LY, Shi J, Bao Y, Zhang XY, Kosten TR, Lu L (2009, January) Diurnal variation in cue-induced responses among protracted abstinent heroin users. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. 91(3):468-72.
24. Liu Y, Le Foll B, Liu Y, Wang X, Lu L (2008, December) Conditioned place preference induced by licit drugs: establishment, extinction, and reinstatement. The Scientific World Journal. 8:1228-45.
25. Li F, Qing F, Liu Y, Zhao M, Li D, Wang J, Lu L (2008, July) Cannabinoid CB(1) receptor antagonist rimonabant attenuates reinstatement of ketamine conditioned place preference in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology. 589(1-3):122-6.
26. Zhai H, Wu P, Chen S, Cui Y, Li F, Liu Y and Lu L (2008, May) Effects of scopolamine and ketamine on reconsolidation of morphine conditioned place preference in rats. Behavioural Pharmacology. 19: 211-216.
27. Zhai H, Wu P, Xu C, Liu Y, Lu L (2008, September) Blockade of cue- and drug-induced reinstatement of morphine-induced conditioned place preference with intermittent sucrose intake. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 90(3):404-8.
28. Liu Y, Morgan D, Roberts DCS (2007, December) Cross-sensitization of the reinforcing effects of cocaine and amphetamine. Psychopharmacology. 195:369–375. 25
29. Roberts DCS, Morgan D, Liu Y (2007, November) How to make a rat addicted to cocaine. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 31(8):1614-24.
30. Morgan, Liu Y, Roberts DCS (2006, January) Rapid and persistent sensitization of the reinforcing effects of cocaine. Neuropsychopharmacology. 31(1):121-8.
31. Liu Y, Roberts DCS, Morgan D (2005, July) Sensitization of the reinforcing effects of cocaine: effects of dose and intravenous injection speed. European Journal of Neuroscience. 22(1):195-200. 68
32. Liu Y, Roberts DCS, Morgan D (2005, May) Effects of extended-access self-administration conditions and deprivation on breakpoints maintained by cocaine in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 179(3):644-51.58
33. Smith MA, Yancey DL, Morgan D, Liu Y, Froestl W, Roberts DC (2004, April) Effects of positive allosteric modulators of the GABA(B) receptor on cocaine self-administration in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 173(1-2):105-11.
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2011 浙江省第十二届大学生“挑战杯“课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖,指导教师
