青岛大学护理学院简介 正文
护理学院是青岛大学的34个学院之一。学院成立于2000年12月,现有教职工26人,其中专业教师18人,专任教师中教授1人,副教授6人,博士4人,博士在读6人。全日制在校生578人,其中本科生 487人,硕士研究生89人,博士研究生3人。自建院以来,护理学院传承和发扬了历代护理人“仁爱、励志、严谨、求实”的理念和精神,立足改革促发展,凝心聚力创一流,经过十几年的努力,护理学院实现了办学层次从专科--本科—护理一级学科学位硕士授权点--护理学一级学科博士授权点—护理学博士后科研流动站的稳步提升,实现了学科的飞速发展。
School of Nursing is one of the 34 schools at Qingdao University. The school was established in December 2000. There are 26 staffs working at the school, with 18 professional teachers. Among the teachers, there is one professor, six associate professors, four teachers with doctorate degree, and six teachers being doctoral candidates. There are 578 full-time students, including 487 undergraduates, 89 master students and 3 doctoral students. Since its establishment, School of Nursing inherits and carries forward the ideology and spirits of ‘benevolence, inspiration, rigor and pragmatism’. Based on the notion of reform promoting development and working together for excellence, the school has achieved rapid development in education structure, manifesting by an upgrading in program from diploma, bachelor, to professional master degree program in nursing as a first-level discipline, to doctorate degree program in nursing as a first-level discipline and postdoctoral research institute on nursing.
The history of nursing education at Qingdao University can be traced back to the Advanced Nursing School at National Shandong University founded in 1946, which was one of the first institutions launching nursing education programs in China. Later, the Nursing School became affiliated hospital of medical college based school of nursing. The higher nursing education started from the nursing department in medical college in 1993. It started to enroll junior college students from 1995 and started undergraduate nursing education in 1998. In December 2000, the nursing department and hospital-based school were combined to establish the School of Nursing. In 2003, the school was authorized to start master degree program in 2003 and professional master degree program was approved in 2010. In 2011, the school was authorized to start doctorate degree program in nursing as a first-level discipline. In 2012, the school was approved to set up the postdoctoral research institute on nursing. Relying on the long history, resource and experience of education at Qingdao University, currently the school has formed a relatively sound personnel training and cultivation system, with full-time and continuing education at different levels such as bachelor and doctorate degree. The school has good reputation for cultivating a large number of qualified nursing graduates who contribute to the health care for people.
There are one nursing experimental and practice center and six teaching & research departments, i.e., continuing education, fundamental nursing, gynecological and pediatric nursing, gerontological nursing, humanistic nursing, and clinical nursing. The teaching team in School of Nursing is ‘double division type’, consisting of full-time and part-time teachers with higher education background. Four full-time teachers have obtained the doctorate degree and six teachers are currently enrolled in doctorate degree programs. The school will continue to make efforts to attract academics with higher degrees to improve the capability of teaching and research, and strengthen its influence in the nursing field.
The school insists on student-centered education and teacher-based schooling. Through deepening the educational and teaching reform, and applying the model of a combination of general-specialized-clinical courses, the school has achieved positive outcomes. There are four courses being granted as provincial exquisite course and one granted as university exquisite course. A project entitled with application-oriented undergraduate cultivation and professional development support was funded by Shandong Province.
With the notion of ‘building platforms, forming teams, and making achievements’, the school encourages teachers to apply for research projects from various sources and cooperate with each other to strengthen the building of research teams and improve the academics’ research abilities. In recent years, the school was granted over 20 research projects and eight awards for research. The staff published over 300 journal articles and edited 14 books as chief-editors or chapter authors. The staff participated in compiling the national planning textbooks over 10 person-times and other types of teaching materials over 20 person-times.
The school constructed a teaching and practice pattern of ‘experiment- observation-internship’. The school has a wide range of clinical and teaching/research resources, including seven affiliated hospitals, five teaching hospitals, one nursing teaching and experimental center, and one clinical skill training center. Among the affiliated and teaching hospitals, the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Municipal Hospital, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Women and Children Healthcare Center, and the affiliated Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital are tertiary hospitals. In 2015, the Peking Union Medical College Hospital agreed to be a clinical practice base for our students. In future, the school will continue to cooperate with more tertiary hospitals as the clinical teaching and practice bases to set a basis for cultivating nursing talents with international vision and innovative spirits.
The school highlights improving students’ comprehensive qualities. Drawing on the strengths of nursing discipline, we emphasize expanding students’ knowledge in sociology, psychology and humanities, and training their critical thinking in nursing education. The students take the national nursing practicing qualification examination with a 100% passing rate and 85% excellence rate. The employment rate of undergraduates is over 95% and 100% for the postgraduates. Many graduates are the backbone of the nursing staff in hospital and nursing schools, and are well recognized by their institutions. The cultivation of nursing professionals at Qingdao University School of Nursing plays an important exemplary and leading role in Shandong Peninsula.
