泉州师范学院外国语学院简介 正文
School of Foreign Languages is one of the sub-colleges of Quanzhou Normal University. The CPC committee of the School,under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,plays a leading role in students’ academic and moral education.The college was awarded the Advanced Primary Level Party Organization by the Provincial Committee of Education and Work, and won the title of the May 1st Pioneer Post in Fujian Province. It’s also the winner of, for seven consecutive years, the Outstanding Organization Award for College Students’ Professional Skills Competition and The Campus Science and Technology Cultural Festival of QNU, and the Sportsmanship Award for the School Games.
The School comprises one college English teaching department and two English departments, offering bachelor’s degree programs in English Education, English Language and Literature, and Business English, with both English and Japanese courses.
The School focuses on its connotation, strengthens the teaching management, solidly promotes quality education, and gradually forms a professional teaching system of English language and literature with its own characteristics. The major of English, as one of the traditional superior majors in QNU, has successively undertaken numerous projects approved and financed by Fujian provincial government, which include the Construction of Characteristic Major in Fujian’s Colleges and Universities and the Education Reform Pilot Project—Outstanding Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Program in 2011, and the pilot project of Comprehensive Reform of Undergraduate Colleges and Universities in Fujian Province in 2012. In 2013, the reform project of Small-class Teaching Model initiated by English Education Department was chosen as one of the exemplary projects of Subject and Curriculum Reform funded by the Ministry of Education. And the project of Cultivation of Outstanding English Teachers for Primary Schools was selected as one of the reform programs for cultivation of outstanding teachers in Fujian Province in 2014. In view of the increasing demand for business English majors, the School, established the major of Business English in September 2015 with the approval of the Ministry of Education, and has been committed to the cultivation of application-oriented Business English professionals. Furthermore, the College English Teaching Department offers English courses to over 130 classes of students in more than 60 non-English major schools and departments at QNU, as well as the English Course for postgraduate students.
学院现有专任老师74名,其中教授、副教授 23名,博士学位的教师3名,在读博士生3名,外籍教师4名。学院语言实验中心为福建省省级实验教学示范中心,教学仪器等设备价值530多万元,拥有省教育厅教学示范平台——“数字化多模态语言学习中心”。11间语言实验室用于日常教学,学院加大实训平台的建设,2016年建设了“虚拟仿真国际商务谈判实训系统”、“商务英语综合实训系统”等软件的3D虚拟仿真商务英语实训平台;2017年建设了CAT口笔译翻译实验室和学院翻译工作室;2019年学院将建设VR智能互动多功能外语综合实训平台(外语虚拟现实实验室),并投入使用。学院在今后建设中,将加大专业实训平台的建设投入,增加“商务英语函电实训系统”、“商务英语单证实训系统”等平台软件建设,建设大学生外语自主学习中心。
School of Foreign Languages boasts of 74 teachers, including 23 professors and associate professors, three with doctoral degrees, two pursuing doctoral programs, and 4 foreign teachers. Its Language Experimental Center is credited as Fujian Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Foreign Languages with equipment value assessed above 5,300,000 yuan. The Digital Multimodal Language Learning Centre enjoys the title of Provincial Educational Department’s Demonstration Platform. There are 11 language labs dedicated to everyday teaching. The School places its emphasis on the construction of practice training platforms. Such 3D simulation integrated business English training systems as 3D Simulation International Business Negotiation Training System and Integrated Business English Training System were established in 2016. In 2017, Computer-Assisted Translation and Interpretation Lab as well as Translation and Interpretation Studio was founded. In 2019, A Multifunctional Integrated Intelligent VR Interaction Language Training Platform (VR Language Lab) will be built and put into use. In the coming years, the School will continue the construction of language training platforms. For example, Business English Correspondence Training System and Business English Documents Training System will be added to the training platforms. Language Autonomous Study Centre will also be established.
学院加大学科建设力度,以“外国语言学及应用语言学”和“外国文学”二个学科方向平台,以学术团队的形式开展科学研究,提高科研的档次和水平,努力把外国语言学及应用语言学建设为学校重点学科,在省内高校同学科方向中有一定的学术声誉和知名度。近年来,学院科研工作在原有基础上有了较大的突破,共发表学术论文97篇。其中国际期刊CPCI 7篇,EI 1篇,北大核心1篇,B类核心2篇;出版专著1部。获立项课题中部委级项目1项,省社科规划项目3项,省厅级课题13项,市级课题5项,校级教改项目5项,横向课题2项。
The School also strengthens its academic development. It encourages the faculty to carry out research on foreign language linguistics, applied linguistics and foreign language literature with the aim of improving the academic level, making its Linguistics and Applied Linguistics as a key discipline of QNU and establishing itself in Fujian’s academia. The School benefits from its faculty with a wide range of research interests in the broad areas of linguistics, literatures and language teaching. As the University’s major research institution in Foreign Linguistics Studies and Foreign Literature Studies, the School has undertaken many important research projects in the recent years, including 1 at ministry level,16 at provincial level,5 at municipal level, 5 at school level and 2 cooperated with external organizations. The School faculty published 97 academic papers and 1 monograph. The academic papers could be read on CPCI, EI and other prominent publications.
At present the School has an enrollment of 941 students. Over the years, students in the School have performed excellently in nationwide English language proficiency tests (Test for English Majors—Band 4 and Test for English Majors—Band 8), earning scores significantly higher than the average of higher-education institutions of the same kind. And more than 20 awards have been awarded to students in professional competitions every year.
There is a practical need in Fujian for graduates with proficiency in language and communication, who are able to contribute to a range of professional and business contexts. With the emphasis on practical training and connecting classroom theory with professional and business context applications, the School is committed to developing work-integrated education and service-learning to nurture all-round students with critical thinking abilities and professional competence. Students are offered to gain valuable working experience before graduation by engaging themselves to different opportunities, including but not limited to working as translators at major international conferences, exhibitions and art festivals. In April 2018, more than 100 students participated in the 20th Jinjiang Footwear & the 3rd Sports Industry International Exposition, and the School has been responsible for the language services of the Expo for 15 consecutive years. In April 2017, 70 students of the School participated in the UNESCO Workshop on Youth Creativity and Heritage, serving as translators for representatives from 60 countries. In August of the same year, with a team of 13 teachers and more than 150 students, the School successfully undertook the professional voluntary service appointed by the Quanzhou municipal government for the BRICS Seminar on Governance and Politics. Three months later, the School again provided excellent language services for the Third Maritime Silk Road International Art Festival. In addition, the School has established strong strategic partnerships with a dozen prestigious universities and institutions overseas, through which it has developed exchange programs for the School’s students and faculty.
