

天津科技大学生物工程学院导师:张翠英 正文
主要专利情况 申请专利40多项[1]张翠英, 肖冬光, 等。一株高耐性酵母菌株及其构建方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201410277435.0。[2]张翠英, 肖冬光, 等。耐高糖面包酵母菌株的构建及其选育方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201410472561.1。[3]张翠英, 肖冬光, 等。一株适合不加糖面团发酵的面包酵母及其选育方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201410333534.6。[4]张翠英, 肖冬光, 等。一种适合于冷冻面团发酵的耐冷冻活性干酵母,授权号:ZL201310153755.0。[5]张翠英,肖冬光, 等。一株用于面包发酵的耐冷冻酵母菌株及其选育方法,授权号:ZL201310040752.6。[6]肖冬光,张翠英,等。一种利用玉米芯残渣同步糖化发酵生产2 3-丁二醇的方法,授权号:ZL 201210134936.4。[7]肖冬光,张翠英,等。低产高级醇酿酒酵母工程菌及其构建方法,授权号:ZL201010227788.1。[8]肖冬光,张翠英,等。一种高产酯酿酒酵母基因工程菌及其构建方法,授权号:ZL201110094875.9。[9]肖冬光,张翠英,等。一株高产乙酸酯酿酒酵母工程菌,授权号:ZL 201210080231.9。[10]肖冬光,张翠英,等。一株含有Lg-ATF1基因的酯酿酒酵母工程菌,授权号:ZL 201210080040.2。[11]张翠英,肖冬光,等。一株高产乳酸乙酯酿酒酵母菌株,中国发明专利,申请号:201710956435.7。[12]张翠英,肖冬光,等。一种低产高级醇高产乳酸乙酯酿酒酵母菌株及其构建方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201610012975.5。[13]张翠英,肖冬光,等。一株高产酯低产高级醇的酿酒酵母菌株及其构建与应用,中国发明专利,申请号:201511017931.3。[14]张翠英,肖冬光,等。一种适合高糖面团发酵的高活性干酵母,中国发明专利,申请号:201410414355.5。[15]张翠英,肖冬光,等。一株适合高糖面团发酵的面包酵母菌株及其构建方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201410413539.X。[16]张翠英,肖冬光,等。一株快速发酵面包酵母菌种及其选育方法,申请号:201210506387.9。获奖情况[1]高耐性酵母关键技术研究与产业化,国家科技进步二等奖,2014,第六完成人。[2]高产酯酿酒酵母菌株的选育与应用。中国轻工联合会科学技术进步三等奖,2017.2.18,第二完成人。[3]浓醪发酵关键技术研究及在酒精生产节能减排中的应用,中国食品科学技术学会技术进步奖一等奖,2010.11,第三完成人。[4]浓醪发酵生产燃料乙醇关键技术研究与产业化,中国轻工业联合会科学技术二等奖,2010.03,第五完成人。[5]天津市“131”创新型人才第一层次,2016[6]天津市高校“优秀青年教师资助计划”,2014(不计排名)
发表研究论文80余篇,其中SCIEI收录50多篇。[1]Lin X Yu AQ Zhang CY* Pi L Bai XW Xiao DG*.Functional analysis of the global repressor Tup1 for maltose metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: different roles of the functional domains.Microb Cell Fact. 2017 16(1):194.(SCI 1区,IF: 3.92)[2]Li W Chen SJ Wang JH Zhang CY* Shi Y Guo XW Chen YF Xiao DG*. Geneticengineeringtoaltercarbonfluxfor varioushigheralcoholproductionsbySaccharomycescerevisiaeforChineseBaijiufermentation.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2018 Feb102(4):1783-1795. (SCI JCR2区Top)[3]Wei Li,Dan-Yao Cui,Jian-Hui Wang,Xiao-Er Liu,Jia Xu,Zheng Zhou,Cui-Ying Zhang*,Ye-Fu Chen,Dong-Guang Xiao*.Overexpression of different alcohol acetyltransferase genes with BAT2 deletion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae affects acetate esters and higher alcohols,European Food Research and Technology,2018,244:555-564 [4]Li W Wang JH Zhang CY* Ma HX Xiao DG*.Regulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiaegenetic engineering on the production of acetate esters and higher alcohols during Chinese Baijiu fermentation.J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 2017 Jun44(6):949-960.(SCI 2区,IF: 2.81)[5]Cuiying Zhang*# Wei Li# Dongsheng Wang Xuewu Guo Lijuan Ma Dongguang Xiao. Production of 2 3-butanediol by Enterobacter cloacae from corncob-derived xylose. Turkish Journal of Biology (2016) 40:1-10 (SCI 1.038)[6]Cui-Ying Zhang* Xue Lin Bing Feng Xiao-Er Liu Xiao-Wen Bai Jia Xu Li Pi Dong-Guang Xiao*. Enhanced leavening properties of baker's yeast by reducing sucrase activity in sweet dough. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2016 Jul100(14):6375-83(SCI,IF: 3.420)[7]Cui-Ying Zhang* Xiao-Wen Bai Xue Lin Xiao-Er Liu Dong-Guang Xiao. Effects of SNF1on Maltose Metabolism and Leavening Ability of Baker's Yeast in Lean Dough.J Food Sci. 2015 80(12):M2879-85[8]Cui-Ying Zhang*# Xue Lin# Hai-Yan Song Dong-Guang Xiao. Effects of MAL61and MAL62overexpression on maltose fermentation of baker's yeast in lean dough. World J Microbiol Biotechnol.2015 31(8):1241-1249[9]Cui-Ying Zhang* Ya-Nan Qi Hong-Xia Ma Wei Li Long-Hai Dai Dong-guang Xiao. Decreased production of higher alcohols by Saccharomyces cerevisiaefor Chinese rice wine fermentation by deletion of Bat aminotransferases.J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015 42(4): 617-625. (SCI 2区,IF: 2.505)[10]Xue Lin Cui-Ying Zhang* Xiao-Wen Bai Dong-Guang Xiao*.Effects of GLC7and REG1deletion on maltose metabolism and leavening ability of baker's yeast in lean dough. J Biotechnol.2015 209:1-6. (SCI 2区,IF: 2.871)[11]Xue Lin Cui-Ying Zhang* Xiao-Wen Bai Dong-Guang Xiao*.Enhancedleaveningabilityofbaker'syeastbyoverexpressionofSNR84withPGM2deletion.J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol.2015 42(6):939-948.(SCI 2区,IF: 2.505)[12]Xue Lin Cui-Ying Zhang* Xiao-Wen Bai Bing Feng Dong-Guang Xiao*.Improvement of stress tolerance and leavening ability under multiple baking-associated stress conditions by overexpression of the SNR84gene in baker's yeast.Int J Food Microbiol. 2015197C:15-21.(SCI 2区,IF: 3.155)[13]Xue Lin Cui-Ying Zhang* Xiao-Wen Bai Hai-Yan Song and Dong-Guang Xiao*. Effects of MIG1 TUP1and SSN6deletion on maltose metabolism and leavening ability of baker’s yeast in lean dough. Microbial Cell Factories 2014 13:93. (SCI 1区,IF: 4.250)[14]Cui-Ying Zhang* Xiao-Pei Peng Wei Li Xue-Wu Guo Dong-Guang Xiao. Optimization of 2 3-butanediol production by Enterobacter cloacaein simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of corncob residue. BiotechnologyandAppliedBiochemistry. 2014 61(5): 501-509.(SCI 3区,IF: 1.322)[15]Cui-Ying Zhang Yu-Lan Liu Ya-Nan Qi Jian-Wei Zhang Long-Hai Dai Xue Lin Dong-Guang Xiao. Increased esters and decreased higher alcohols production by engineered brewer's yeast strains. European Food Research and Technology 2013 236:1009–1014(SCI3区,IF: 1.566)[16]Cui-ying Zhang Ke Cai Zhi-hong Wu Yue-zhong Li. Improving cellular properties for genetic manipulation by dispersed growing mutagenesis in Myxococcus fulvusHW-1. Current Microbiology. 2010 60(6): 393-399. (SCI 4区 IF: 1.33)[17]Cui-ying Zhang Ke Cai Hong Liu Yong Zhang Hong-wei Pan Bing Wang Zhi-hong Wu Wei Hu Yue-zhong Li. New locus important for Myxococcussocial motility and development.ournal of Bacteriology.2007 189(21): 7937-7941.(SCI 3区 IF: 4.013)
