

天津科技大学造纸学院导师:张红杰 正文
2012年,天津市科技进步二等奖(本校排名第二)2009年,天津市科技进步三等奖(排名第四)2009年,加拿大造纸学会年会论文优秀奖(Douglas Attack Award)2008年,天津市科技进步三等奖(排名第三)
1. Zhang H.* Xie J. An S. Qian X. Cheng H. Zhang F. Li X. A novel measurement of contact angle on cylinder-shaped lignocellulosic fiber for surface wettability evaluation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2018 540: 106-111.2. Xie J. Zhang H.* An S. Qian X. Cheng H. Zhang F. Li X. Role of “surface wettability switch” in inter-fiber bonding properties RSC Advances 2018 8 3081-3089.3. Li H. Zhang H.* Zhang F. Li X. Legere S. Ni Y.* Determination of interfiber bonded area based on the confocal laser scanning microscopy technique. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2018 57 6153-6160.4. Li H. Zhang H.* Legere S. Ni Y. Qian X. Cheng H. Zhang F. Li X. Estimating the inter-fiber bonding capacities of high-yield pulp (HYP) fibers by analyzing the fiber surface lignin and surface charge. BioResources 2018 13(1): 1122-1131.5. Zhao C. Zhang H.* Li Z. Zhang F. Li X. Further understanding the influence of fiber surface and internal charges on the interfiber bonding capability and resulting paper strength Cellulose 2017 24(7): 2977-29866. Li Z. Zhang H.* Wang X. Zhang F. Li X. Further understanding the response mechanism of lignin content to bonding properties of lignocellulosic fibers by their deformation behavior. RSC Advances 2016 6(110): 109211-109217.7. Zhang H.* Zhao C. Li Z. Li J. The fiber charge measurement depending on the poly-DADMAC accessibility to cellulose fibers. Cellulose 2016 23(1): 163-173.8. Zhang H.* Zeng X. Xie J. Li Z. Li H. Study on the sorption process of triclosan on cationic microfibrillated cellulose and its antibacterial activity. Carbohydrate Polymers 2016 136: 493-498.9. LiJ. Ma X. Duan C. Liu Y. Zhang H.* Ni Y.* Enhanced removal of hemicelluloses from cellulosic fibers by poly(ethylene glycol) during alkali treatment. Cellulose 2016 23(1): 231-238.10. Zhao C. Zhang H.* Zeng X. Li H. Sun D. Enhancing the inter-fiber bonding properties of cellulosic fibers by increasing different fiber charges. Cellulose 2016 23(3): 1617-1628.11. Li J. Liu Y. Duan C. Zhang H. Ni Y.* Mechanical pretreatment improving hemicelluloses removal from cellulosic fibers during cold caustic extraction. Bioresource Technology 2015 192: 501-50612. LiJ. Zhang H. Duan C. Liu Y. Ni Y.* Enhancing hemicelluloses removal from a softwood sulfite pulp. Bioresource Technology 2015 192: 11-16.13. Li J. Zhang H.* Li J. Hu H. Cao Z. Fiber characteristics and bonding strength of poplar refiner-chemical preconditioned alkaline peroxide mechanical pulp fractions. Bioresources 2015 10(2): 3702-3712.14. Li H. Zhang H.* Li J. Du F. Comparison of interfiber bonding ability of different poplar P-RC alkaline peroxide mechanical pulp (APMP) fiber fractions. BioResources 2014 9(4):6019-6027.15. Wang J.* Zhang H.* Lei M. Hu H. Pulkkinen P. Effects of tree age and bole section on pulpwood of korean spruce (Picea Koraiensis Nakai).Bioresources 2014 9(1): 1445-1455.16. Zhang H.* Lei M. Du F. Li H. Wang J. Using an optical brightening agent to boost peroxide bleaching of a spruce thermomechanical pulp. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2013 52(36): 13192–13197.17. Lei M. Zhang H.* Li J. Duan J. Characteristics of poplar preconditioning followed by refining chemical treatment alkaline peroxide mechanical pulp fiber fractions and their effects on formation and properties of high-yield pulp containing paper. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2013 52(11): 4083-4088.18. Zhang H.* Li J. Hu H. He Z. Ni Y. Improvement of bleached wheat straw pulp properties by using aspen high-yield pulp. Bioresource Technology 2012 120: 40-44.19. Zhang H.* He Z. Ni Y. Improvement of high-yield pulp properties by using a small amount of bleached wheat straw pulp. Bioresource Technology 2011 102(1): 2829-2833.20. Zhang H.* Yuan Z. Ni Y. Energy saving potential of high yield pulp (HYP) application by addition of small amounts of bleached wheat straw pulp. Holzforschung 2011 65(1): 29-34.21. Zhang H.* Yuan Z. Gilbert D. Ni Y. Zou X. Use of a dynamic sheet former (DSF) to examine the effect of filler addition and white water recirculation on fine papers containing high-yield pulp. BioResources 2011 6(4): 5099-5109.22. Zhang H.* Hui L. Ni Y. Adsorption behaviors of optical brightening agents and precipitated calcium carbonate onto pulp fibers. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2010 49(19): 9407–9412.23. Zhang H.* Hu H. Hou Q. Ni Y. Effect of fines from high-yield pulp on filler retention and paper formation in fine paper production. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2010 4(4): 372-377.24. Zhang H. He Z. Ni Y.* Hu H. Zhou Y. Using optical brightening agents (OBA) for improving the optical properties of HYP-containing paper sheets. Pulp and Paper Canada 2009 110(10-11): 20-24.25. Zhang H. Hu H. He Z. Ni Y.* Highly substituted cationic starch as an anionic trash catcher for high-yield pulp. Tappi Journal 2009 8(7):31-36.26.Zhang H.* Hu H. Xu Z. Use of fluorescent whitening agents against light-induced colour reversion of aspen BCTMP. Appita Journal 2009 62(5): 355-359.27. Zhang H.* He Z. Ni Y. Hu H. Zhou Y. Characteristics of dissolved and colloidal substances in high yield pulp and their impact on filler retention. Appita Journal 2007 60(5): 390-395.28. Zhang H. Hu H. He Z. Ni Y.* Zhou Y. Retention of Optical Brightening Agents(OBA) and their Brightening Efficiency on HYP-Containing Paper Sheets. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 2007 27(4): 1-15.
