

中药大生命科学与技术学院导师:顾月清 正文
顾月清博士,中国药科大学生命科学与技术学院生物医学工程学教授,博士生导师。国际光学工程协会(SPIE)及美国光学学会(OSA)会员,中国光学学会生物医学光子学专业委员会理事,中国电子学会医学影像专业委员会理事,中国生物医学工程学会分子影像分会理事,江苏省计量测试学会理事,江苏省生物医学工程生物光子学会理事,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,多种国际杂志的特约审稿人(J. Controlled Release, Optics Express, Bioconjugate Chemistry,Cancer Investigation, J. Fluorescence, Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmaceutical Research),国家自然科学基金、教育部、科技部、部分省市科技厅等基金通讯及会议评审专家。
顾月清教授1997年于南京航空航天大学测试计量技术及仪器专业获得博士学位,1999年至2004年先后在美国宾州大学(University of Pennsylvania)医学院及德州大学(University of Texas)西南医学中心从事博士后研究工作,并于2003年被聘为德州大学阿灵顿分校生物医学工程系助理教授。期间作为课题负责人获得美国国防部博士后基金及新研究者基金的资助,集中于近红外技术对乳腺癌及前列腺癌等的早期诊断及监测治疗研究。
时 间: 2013.1~2017.12 经费:280 万
分 工:项目主持人 (顾月清)
题目: 基于SPR 的纳米荧光分子探针活细胞内肿瘤药敏基因的检测及其穿膜特性的研究
时 间: 2012.1~2015.12 经费:61万
分 工:项目主持人 (顾月清)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(30970776) :
题 目:基于近红外量子点的分子成像对恶性肿瘤的代谢特性及特异性标志物的双重诊断
时 间: 2010.1~2012.12 经费:33万
分 工:项目主持人 (顾月清)
国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金(31050110123) :
题 目:Measurement of cancer-related protease activity using activatable fluorescent molecular probes in vivo
时 间: 2010.7~2012.6, 经费: 40万
分 工:项目主持人Walter John Akers from USA, 中方合作者:顾月清
Dawei Deng, Yuqi Chen, Jie Cao, Junmei Tian, Zhiyu Qian, Samuel Achilefu, Yueqing Gu*, High-Quality CuInS2/ZnS Quantum Dots for in vitro and in vivo Bioimaging, Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24(15), 3029–3037. (IF=7.268)
Haiyan Chen, Shulan Li, Xueyan Ren, Shengnan Li, Yueqing Gu*. Folate-modified gold nanoclusters as near-infrared fluorescent probes for tumor imaging and therapy. Nanoscale, 2012, DOI:10.1039/C2NR31616A. (IF=5.914)
Haiyan chen, bowen Li, Xueyan Ren, Shengnan Li Yuxiang Ma, Sisi Cui, Yueqing Gu*. Multifunctional near-infrared-emitting nano-conjugates based on gold clusters for tumor imaging and therapy. Biomaterials, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.08.034. (IF=7.404)
Jian Zhang, Dawei Deng, Hongyan Zhu, Youngro Byun, Victor C. Yang, Yueqing Gu*, “ Folate-conjugated thermo-responsive micelles for tumor targeting, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 2012 in press
Mahounga DM, Shan Lingling, Jie Cao, Du Changli, Wan Sunan, Gu Yueqing*, “”, Mol Imaging Biol. 2012 May 3. [Epub ahead of print].
Jianpeng Xue, Haiyan Chen, Bing Xue, Zhiyu Qian, Walter J. Akers, Samuel Achilefu, Yueqing Gu*, “Visual Detection of STAT5B Gene Expression in Living Cell using the hairpin DNA modified gold nanoparticles beacon”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IF=5.1), 2012,in press.
Jing Chen , Haiyan Chen , Sisi Cui , Bing Xue , Junmei Tian , Samuel Achilefu, Yueqing Gu *, Glucosamine Derivative Modified Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for Targeted Tumor Delivery, J.Material Chemistry. 2012, 22, 5770-5783 (IF=5.1) SCI-CD
Jie Cao, Shunan Wan, Junmei Tian, Siwen Li, Dongyin Zhang, Dawei Deng, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu*. Fast Clearing RGD-Based Near Infrared Fluorescent Probes for in vivo Tumor Diagnosis. Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 2012, 7(4):390-402(IF=4.1)SCIE
Jing Guo, Changli Du, Lingling Shan, Hongyan Zhu, Bing Xue, Zhiyu Qian, Samuel Achilefu, Yueqing Gu*. Comparison of near infrared fluorescent deoxyglucose probes with different dyes for tumor diagnosis in vivo. Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 2012, 7(3):289-301 (IF=4.1)SCIE
Hui Li, Zhenzhen Tu (co-author), Lianxiao An, Zhiyu Qian, Samuel Achilefu, Yueqing Gu*. Inhibitory effects of ERβ on proliferation, invasion and tumor formation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells-prognostication for the use of ERβ-selective therapy. Pharmaceutical biology,2012, 50(7):839-49 (IF=0.638)SCIE
Bing Xue, Dawei Deng, Jie Cao, Fei Liu, Xin Li, Walter Akers ,Samuel Achilefu, and Yueqing Gu. Synthesis of NAC Capped Near Infrared-Emitting CdTeS Alloyed Quantum Dots and Application for in vivo Early Tumor Imaging. Dalton Transactions, 2012, 41(16):4935-47 (IF=3.647)SCI-CD
Jie Cao, Hongyan Zhu (co-author), Dawei Deng, Bing Xue, Liping Tang, Didel Mahounga, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu*. In vivo NIR imaging with PbS quantum dots entrapped in biodegradable micelles. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 2012, 100(4):958-68 (IF=3.1)SCI-CD
Dawei Deng, Junfei Xia, Jie Cao, Lingzhi Qu, Junmei Tian, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu, Zhongze Gu. Forming highly fluorescent near-infrared emitting PbS quantum dots in water using glutathione as surface-modifying molecule. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2012, 367(1):234-40 (IF=3.1) SCI
Lingling Shan, Jianpeng Xue, Zhiyu Qian, Samuel Achilefu, Yueqing Gu*. Improved Targeting of Ligand-Modified Adenovirus as a New Near Infrared Fluorescence Tumor Imaging Probe. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2011, 22: 567-581.(IF=5.1) SCI
Lingling Shan, Sisi Cui, Changli Du, Shunan Wan, Zhiyu Qian, Samuel Achilefu, Yueqing Gu*. A paclitaxel-conjugated adenovirus vector for targeted drug delivery for tumor therapy. Biomaterials, 2011, 33(1): 146-162. (IF=7.8) SCI
Hongyan Zhu, Fei Liu, Jing Guo, Jianpeng Xue, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu*. Folate-modified chitosan micelles with enhanced tumor targeting evaluated by near infrared imaging system. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, 86(3): 1118-1129 (IF=3.7) SCI
Haiyan Chen, Sisi Cui, Zhenzhen Tu, Jinzi Ji, Jun Zhang, Yueqing Gu*. Characterization of CdHgTe/Cds QDs for Near Infrared Fluorescence Imaging of Spinal Column in a Mouse Model. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2011, 87: 72-81. (IF=2.8) SCI
Haiyan Chen, Li Li, Sisi Cui, Dider Mahounga, Jun Zhang, Yueqing Gu*. Folate Conjugated CdHgTe Quantum Dots with High targeting Affinity and Sensitivity for In vivo Early Tumor Diagnosis. J Fluoresc, 2011, 21: 793~801.(IF=2.6) SCI
Fang-qiu Li, Shi-xin Zhang, Lian-xiao An, Yueqing Gu*, “ In vivo molecular targeting effects of anti-Sp17-ICG-Der-02 on hepatocellular Carcinoma evaluated by an optical imaging system”, Journal of Experimental &Clinical Cancer Research, 2011, 30:25 (IF1.27)SCIE
Dawei Deng, Jie Cao, Junfei Xia, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu*, Zhongze Gu,* and Walter John Akers, “Two-phase Approach to High Quality, Oil-soluble, Near-infrared-emitting PbS Quantum dots by Using Various Water-soluble Anion Precursors”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2011 ( IF=2.941)SCI
Jie Cao, Shunan Wan, Junmei Tian, Xuemei Chi, Changli Du, Dawei Deng, Wei R. Chen, Yueqing Gu*. Synthesis of dimeric cyclic RGD based near-infrared probe for in vivo tumor diagnosis. Proc. of SPIE, 2012, accepted. EI
Sisi Cui, Hongyan Zhu, Haiyan Chen, Junmei Tian, Wei R. Chen, Yueqing Gu*. Surface modification of upconversion nanoparticles with amphiphilic chitosan for cancer cell imaging. Proc. of SPIE, 2012, accepted.EI
Sisi Cui, Haiyan Chen, Yueqing Gu*, “Comparison of Two Strategies for the Synthesis of Upconverting Nanoparticles as Biological labels”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 277 (2012) 012006 (EI)
Xuemei Chi, Jie Cao, Shunan Wan, Changli Du, Wei R. Chen, Yueqing Gu*. Synthesis and characterization of NIR-triggered polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules. Proc. of SPIE, 2012, accepted. EI
Junmei Tian ,Zhenzhen Tu ,Wei R.Chen,Yueqing Gu*. ERβ regulates miR-21 expression and inhibits invasion and metastasis in cancer cells. Proc. of SPIE, 2012, accepted. EI
Jianpeng Xue, Lingling Shan, Zhenzhen Tu, Hongyan Zhu, Haiyan Chen, Dawei Deng, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu*. Synthesis of Gold nanoparticle based beacon for measurement of STAT5b protein expression. Proc. of SPIE, 2011, 7910: 791001-1.EI
Haiyan Chen, Sisi Cui (co-author), Hongyan Zhu, Zhenzhen Tu, Lingling Shan, Jianpeng Xue, Dawei Deng, Jun Zhang, Yueqing Gu*. In vivo monitoring of Organ-Selective distribution of CdHgTe/SiO2. Proc. of SPIE, 2011, 7910: 79100S-1.EI
Jian Zhang, Dawei Deng, Yueqing Gu*, “The Targeting Behavior of Folate-Nanohydrogel Evaluated by Near Infrared Imaging System in Tumor-Bearing Mouse Model” Pharmaceutical Research, 2010, 27(1): 46-55. (IF=3.277) SCI
Jie Cao, Bing Xue, Hui Li, Dawei Deng, Yueqing Gu*. Facile synthesis of high-quality water-soluble N-acetyl-L-cysteine-capped Zn1-xCdxSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots emitting in the violet–green spectral range. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 348, 369-376. (IF=3.019)SCI
Haiyan Chen, Sisi Cui, Jun Zhang, Yueqing Gu*, “Folated conjugated CdHgTe quantum Dots with high targeting affinity and sensitivity for in vivo early tumor diagnosis. Journal of Fluorescence, 2010. In press.(IF=2.1) SCI
Fei Liu, Dawei Deng, Xinyang Chen, Zhiyu Qian, Samuel Achilefu, Yueqing Gu*, “Folate-polyethylene glycol conjugated near infrared fluorescence probe with high targeting affinity and sensitivity for in vivo early tumor diagnosis”, Molecular Imaging & Biology, 2010, In press (IF=2.467)SCIE
Dawei Deng, Fei Liu, Jie Cao, Xinyang Chen, and Yueqing Gu *, “Synthesis and Tumor Targeting Research of Two Near-Infrared Fluorescence Probes”, Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2010, In Press. (EI)
Jie Cao, Dawei Deng*, Yueqing Gu*, “Uniform Mesoporous Dye-Doped Silica Nanoparticles as a Multifunctional Drug Carrier for in vivo early tumor diagnosis”, Proc. SPIE, 2010, In Press.(EI)
Ting Li, Nanxi Wang, Lijia Chen, Dawei Deng, Yueqing Gu*, “Use of water-soluble PbS quantum dots as fluorescent probe in sensing copper(II)”, Proc. SPIE, 2010, In Press.(EI)
Hongyan Zhu, Dawei Deng, Haiyan Chen, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu, “The targeted behavior of folate-decorated N-succinyl-N’-octyl chitosan evaluated by NIR system in mouse model”, Proc. SPIE, 2010, In Press.(EI)
Jie Cao, Bing Xue, Hui Li, Dawei Deng*, Yueqing Gu*, “Facile synthesis of high-quality water-soluble N-acetyl-L-cysteine-capped Zn1-xCdxSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots emitting in the violet–green spectral range”, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2010, 348, 369–376. (IF=3.1)SCI
Jie Cao, Shan Li, Dawei Deng and Yueqing Gu *, “Preparation and characterization of water-soluble near-infrared emission PbS quantum dots”, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2010, 27(1), 81–87.
Yueqing Gu, Fei Liu, Chunsheng Fang, Zhiyu Qian, Samuel Achilefu, “ In vivo investigation of pharmacokinetics of model drug: comparison of near infrared technique with high performance liquid chromatography” Invited paper, Proc. SPIE, 2010, vol.7576. EI
Dawei Deng, Xinyang Chen, Jian Zhang, Fei Liu, Jie cao, and Yueqing Gu*, “Aqueous synthesis of PbS quantum dots for noninvasive near-infrared fluorescence imaging in a mouse model”, Proc. SPIE, 2010, Vol. 7576.EI
Jie Cao, Hongyan Zhua, Dawei Deng, Bing Xue, Liping Tang, Didel Mahounga, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu*, Facile Synthesis of Near-Infrared PbS Quantum Dots for In Vivo Tracing of Micelles, submitted to physical chemistry chemical physics (IF=4.116)
Jian zhang, Yueqing Gu*, “In vivo anti-tumor efficacy of docetaxel-loaded thermally responsive nanohydrogel”, Nanotechnology, Vol. 20, pp 325102-325109, 2009.(IF=3.137)SCI
Huimin Qian, Yueqing Gu*, Min Wang and Samuel Achilefu, “Optimization of the Near-Infrared Fluorescence Labeling for In Vivo Monitoring of a Protein Drug Distribution in Animal Model”, J. Fluoresc. (2009) 19:277–284.(IF=2.017)SCI
Yueqing Gu*, , , and , “Dynamic properties of different kinds of nanoparticles in mouse model after intravenous administration” , 71900F. (EI)
Xinyang Chen, Dawei Deng, zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu*, “In vivo tumor imaging in mice with near-infrared - low density lipoprotein conjugates”, Proc. SPIE, 2009, Vol. 7519, 75190P. (EI)
Dawei Deng, Wenhao Zhang, Xinyang Chen, Fei Liu, Jian Zhang, Yueqing Gu*, and Jianming Hong, “Facile Synthesis of High-Quality, Water-Soluble, Near-Infrared-Emitting PbS Quantum Dots”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2009, 3440–3446.(IF=2.941)SCI
Dawei Deng, Peng Li, and Yueqing Gu*, “Synthesis and structural analysis of angled Te nanocrystals” Cryst. Res. Technol. 2009, 44, No. 6, 629–635.(IF=2.293)SCI
Dawei Deng, and Yueqing Gu*, “Spontaneous transition and concomitant self-assembly of CdTe nanoparticles into CdS nanosheets induced by L-cysteine”, Proc. of SPIE, 2009, Vol. 7190.EI
Jian Zhang, Lin Xu, Yueqing Gu*, “The targeted behavior of thermally responsive nanohydrogel evaluated by NIR system in mouse model” J. controlled release.131:34-40, 2008..(IF=5.949)
Haiyan Chen, Yueqing Gu*, Yuzhu Hu, Real time in vivo non-invasive optical imaging of temperature sensitive co-polymeric nanohydrogel, Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 18570.(IF=3.137)SCI
Huimin Qian Yueqing Gu*, Minwang, Samuel Achilefu, “Optimization of the near-infrared fluorescence labeling for in vivo monitoring of a protein drug distribution in animal model” J Fluorescence, 2008 (Epub ahead of print) (IF=2.017) SCI
Yueqing Gu, Zhiyu Qian, Yunli Song, In Vivo Near Infrared Techniques for Protein Drug Development, Encyclopaedia of Heathcare Information System, Bookchapter, 2008
Haiyan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Jing Xu, Jian Zhang, Yuzhu Hu, Yueqing Gu* , Non-invasive Near Infrared Fluorescence Imaging of CdHgTe Quantum Dots in Mouse Model.J Fluoresc. 18(5):801-11,2008 (IF=2.017) SCI
Haiyan Chen, Yueqing Gu*, Yuzhu Hu, “Comparison of two polymeric carrier formulations for controlled release of hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2008 Feb;19(2):651-8.(IF=1.955) SCI
Haiyan Chen, Yueqing Gu*, Yuzhu Hu, Zhiyu Qian, “Characterization of pH and temperature sensitive hydrogen nanoparticle for controlled drug release, PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 2007, Jul-Aug;61(4):303-13
Hao Gao, Yueqing Gu*, Qingneng Ping*, “The implantable 5-fluororacil-loaded poly (L-lactic acid) fibers prepared by wet-spinning from suspension”, Journal of Controlled Release, 2007 Apr ;118(3):325-32. (IF=5.949) SCI
Chunsheng Fang, Yueqing Gu.Near-infrared fluorescence labeling and in vivo monitoring of the dynamics of insulin in mouse model, The 6th international conference on photonics and imaging in biology and medicine.2007

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