

浙江大学环境与资源学院导师:施积炎 正文
在Planta、Environ Sci Technol、Environmental Pollution、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Bioresource Technology、应用生态学报、土壤学报等国内外重要刊物上发表论文50余篇,其中SCI论文40余篇;获梁希科学技术二等奖和The 2nd International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation国际会议Best Poster Presentation奖;获国家发明专利2项;副主编教材1部,参写著作1部。入选 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、浙江大学“新星计划”和浙江省新世纪“151”人才工程第三层次,获浙江省基金杰出青年项目资助。
[1] 氧化铜纳米颗粒形态转化及其植物累积和毒性作用机制(21177109),国家自然科学基金,施积炎,2012-2015
[2] 基于同步辐射技术研究土壤-水稻系统铜硫协同转化和迁移机制(11179025),国家自然科学基金,施积炎,2012-2014
[3] 土壤铜分子形态转化和吸收耦合的根尖微环境调控机制(R5110031),浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,施积炎,2011-2013
[4] 农业面源污染控制与管理技术综合集成示范(2008ZX07101-006-10),国家科技重大专项课题,施积炎,2008-2010
[5] 根尖特异细菌动态分布及其对植物累积重金属的作用机制(20777066),国家自然科学基金,施积炎,2007-2009
[6] 土壤重金属和硫分子形态转化的功能微生物作用机制(40601086),国家自然科学基金,施积炎,2006-2008
[7] 环境中二恶英类物质的快速生物筛选和毒性评价技术,浙江省科技厅重点项目,施积炎,2007-2009
[8] 硫影响土壤重金属形态和有效性的功能微生物作用机制(Y506063),浙江省自然科学基金,施积炎,2006-2007
[9] 城市生活垃圾综合处理处置技术与示范研究(G20050665),国家863子项目,施积炎,2005-2006
[10] 基于GFP生物传感器监测重金属污染土壤生态毒性(G20619),浙江省教育厅项目,施积炎,2006-2008
[1] Yang JJ, Regier T, Dynes JJ, Wang J, Shi JY, Peak D, Zhao YD, Hu TD, Chen, YX, Tse JS. Soft X-ray Induced Photoreduction of Organic Cu(II) Compounds Probed by X-ray Absorption Near-Edge (XANES) Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry ,2011, 83 ( 20): 7856-7862
[2] Shi JY, Abid AD, Kennedy IM, Hristova KR, Silk WK. To duckweeds (Landoltia punctata), nanoparticulate copper oxide is more inhibitory than the soluble copper in the bulk solution. Environmental Pollution 2011, 159(5) :1277-1282.
[3] Shi JY, Yuan XF, Lin HR, Yang YQ, Li ZY. Differences in Soil Properties and Bacterial Communities between the Rhizosphere and Bulk Soil and among Different Production Areas of the Medicinal Plant Fritillaria thunbergii. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2011, 12(6):3770-3785.
[4] Shi JY, Lin HR, Yuan XF, Chen XC, Shen CF, Chen YX. Enhancement of Copper Availability and Microbial Community Changes in Rice Rhizospheres Affected by Sulfur. Molecules 2011, 16(2) :1409-1417.
[5] Shi JY, Yuan XF, Chen XC, Wu B, Huang YY, Chen YX. Copper Uptake and Its Effect on Metal Distribution in Root Growth Zones of Commelina communis Revealed by SRXRF. Biological Trace Element Research 2011, 141(1-3) :294-304.
[6] Shi JY, Lin HR; Yuan XF; Zhao YD. Isolation and characterization of a novel sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotroph Halothiobacillus from Pb polluted paddy soil. African Journal of Biotechnology 2011, 10(20) : 4121-4126.
[7] Yuan XF, Xu J, Chai H, Lin HR, Yang YQ, Wo XD, Shi JY*. Differences of rhizo-bacterial diversity and the content of peimine and peiminine of Fritillaria thunbergii among different habits. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2010, 4(6) :465-470.
[8] Yuan XF, Shi JY*, Yang YQ, Luan J, Gao JJ, Wang YW. Establishment of Element Fingerprint and Multielement Analysis of Fritillaria thunbergii by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry. Biological Trace Element Research 2010, 135(1-3) :304-313.
[9] Lin HR, Shi JY*, Chen XN, Yang JJ, Chen YX, Zhao YD, Hu TD. Effects of lead upon the actions of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the rice rhizosphere. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2010, 42(7) :1038-1044.
[10] Lin HR, Shi JY*, Wu B, Yang JJ, Chen YX, Zhao YD, Hu TD. Speciation and biochemical transformations of sulfur and copper in rice rhizosphere and bulk soil-XANES evidence of sulfur and copper associations. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2010, 10(5) :907-914.
[11] Lin HR, Chen XC, Hu SP, Shen CF, Chen GC, Shi JY*, Chen YX. Lead availability and soil microbial community composition in rice rhizosphere affected by thiosulfate addition. Applied Soil Ecology 2010, 45(3) :232-237.
[12] Qian YC, Shi JY*, Chen YX, Lou LP, Cui XY, Cao RK, Li PF, Tang J. Characterization of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Sediments from a Shallow Eutrophic Lake and a Wetland. Isolation, Molecular Identification and Phosphorus Release Ability Determination. Molecules 2010, 15(11) :8518-8533.
[13] Yang JJ, Hu SP, Chen XC, Yu MG, Liu J, Li H, Shen CF, Shi JY*, Chen YX. Transformation of Lead Solid Fraction in the Rhizosphere of Elsholtzia splendens. The Importance of Organic Matter. Water Air Soil Pollut 2010, 205(1-4) :333-342.
[14] Shi JY, Gras MA, Silk WK. Laser ablation ICP-MS reveals patterns of copper differing from zinc in growth zones of cucumber roots. Planta 2009, 229(4) :945-954.
[15] Chen XC, Hu SP, Shen CF, Dou CM, Shi JY*, Chen YX. Interaction of Pseudomonas putida CZ1 with clays and ability of the composite to immobilize copper and zinc from solution. Bioresource Technology 2009, 100(1) :330-337.
[16] Xu XH, Shi JY*, Chen XC, Chen YX, Hu TD. Chemical forms of manganese in the leaves of manganese hyperaccumulator Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. (Phytolaccaceae). Plant Soil 2009, 318(1-2) :197-204.
[17] Dou CM, Fu XP, Chen XC, Shi JY*, Chen YX. Accumulation and detoxification of manganese in hyperaccumulator Phytolacca americana. Plant Biology 2009, 11(5) :664-670.
[18] Shi JY*, Wu B, Yuan XF, Cao YY, Chen XC, Chen YX, Hu TD. An X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation of speciation and biotransformation of copper in Elsholtzia splendens. Plant Soil 2008, 302(1-2) :163-174.
[19] Wang YP, Li QB, Hui W, Shi JY*, Lin Q, Chen XC, Chen YX. Effect of sulphur on soil Cu/Zn availability and microbial community composition. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008, 159(2-3) :385-389.
[20] Chen X, Wu W, Shi JY*, Xu XH, Wang H, Chen YX. Adsorption of copper and zinc on pseudomonas putida CZ1. Particle concentration effect and adsorption reversibility. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 2007, 54(1) :46-52.
[21] Xu XH, Shi JY*, Chen YX, Xue SG, Wu B, Huang YY. An investigation of cellular distribution of manganese in hyperaccumlator plant Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. using SRXRF analysis. Journal of Environment Science 2006,4:746-751
[22] Chen XC, Wang YP, Lin Q, Shi JY*, Wu WX, Chen YX. Biosorption of copper(II) and zinc(II) from aqueous solution by Pseudomonas putida CZ1, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2005, 46 101-107
[23] Shi JY, Chen YX, Huang YY, He W. SRXRF as a technique for studying elements distribution in leaf of Elsholtzia splendens. Micron, 2004, 35(7):557-564
[24] Fu XP, Dou CM, Chen YX, Chen XC, Shi JY, Yu MG, Xu J. Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium in Phytolacca americana L. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011, 186(1) :103-107.
[25] Wang YP, Li QB, Lin Q, Shi JY, Chen YX. Differences in the Rhizosphere Microbial Activity and Community Composition of Commelina communis along a Copper Contamination Gradient. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 2010, 41(17) :2046-2056.
[26] Chen YX, Xu J, Yu MG, Chen XC, Shi JY. Lead contamination in different varieties of tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.) and factors affecting lead bioavailability. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2010, 90(9) :1501-1507.
[27] Shen KL, Shen CF, Lu Y, Tang XJ, Zhang CK, Chen XC, Shi JY, Lin Q, Chen YX. Hormesis response of marine and freshwater luminescent bacteria to metal exposure. Biological Research 2009, 42(2) :183-187.
[28] Li F, Shi JY, Shen CF, Chen GC, Hu SP, Chen YX. Proteomic characterization of copper stress response in Elsholtzia splendens roots and leaves. Plant Molecular Biology 2009, 71(3) :251-263.
[29] Dou CM, Fu XP, Chen XC, Shi JY, Chen YX. Accumulation and interaction of calcium and manganese in Phytolacca americana. Plant Science 2009, 177(6) :601-606.
[30] Cui XY, Wang HL, Lou LP, Chen YX, Yu YL, Shi JY, Xu L, Khan MI. Sorption and genotoxicity of sediment-associated pentachlorophenol and pyrene influenced by crop residue ash. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2009, 9(6):604-612.
[31] Chen YX, Yu MG, Xu J, Chen XC, Shi JY. Differentiation of eight tea (Camellia sinensis) cultivars in China by elemental fingerprint of their leaves. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2009, 89(14):2350-2355.
[32] Wang YP, Li QB, Shi JY, Lin Q, Chen XC, Wu WX, Chen YX. Assessment of microbial activity and bacterial community composition in the rhizosphere of a copper accumulator and a non-accumulator. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2008, 40(5):1167-1177.
[33] Shen CF, Huang SB, Wang ZJ, Qiao M, Tang XJ, Yu CN, Shi DZ, Zhu YF, Shi JY, Chen XC et al. Identification of Ah receptor agonists in soil of E-waste recycling sites from Taizhou area in China. Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42(1):49-55.
[34] Hu SP, Chen XC, Shi JY, Chen YX, Lin Q. Particle-facilitated lead and arsenic transport in abandoned mine sites soil influenced by simulated acid rain. Chemosphere 2008, 71(11):2091-2097.
[35] Chen XC, Chen LT, Shi JY, Wu WX, Chen YX. Immobilization of heavy metals by Pseudomonas putida CZ1/goethite composites from solution. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 2008, 61(2):170-175.
[36] Xu XH, Chen XC, Shi JY, Chen YX, Wu WX, Perera A. Effects of manganese on uptake and translocation of nutrients in a hyperaccumulator. Journal of Plant Nutrition 2007, 30(10-12):1737-1751.
[37] Wang YP, Shi JY, Wang H, Lin Q, Chen XC, Chen YX. The influence of soil heavy metals pollution on soil microbial biomass, enzyme activity, and community composition near a copper smelter. Ecotox Environ Safe 2007, 67(1):75-81.
[38] Wang YP, Shi JY, Lin Q, Chen XC, Chen YX. Heavy metal availability and impact on activity of soil microorganisms along a Cu/Zn contamination gradient. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 2007, 19(7):848-853.
[39] Ding Y, Shi JY, Wu WX, Yin J, Chen YX. Trimethylamine (TMA) biofiltration and transformation in biofilters. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2007, 143(1-2):341-348.
[40] Chen XC, Shi JY, Chen YX, Xu XJ, Chen LT, Wang H, Hu TD. Determination of copper binding in Pseudomonas putida CZ1 by chemical modifications and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2007, 74(4).881-889.
[41] Xu XH, Shi JY, Chen YX, Huang YY, Wang H. Distribution and mobility of Mn in hyperaccumulator Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. Plant and Soil 2006, 285(1-2): 323-331
[42] Chen XC, Shi JY, Chen YX, Xu XH, Xu SY, Wang YP. Tolerance and biosorption of copper and zinc by Pseudomonas putida CZ1 isolated from metal-polluted soils. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 2006 , 52: 308-316 (SCI)
[43] Chen YX, Shi JY, Tian GM, Zheng SJ, Lin Q. Fe deficiency induces Cu uptake and accumulation in Commelina communis. Plant Science, 2004, 166 (5):1371-1377
[44] Chen YX, Shi JY, Zhang WD, Lin Q, Tian GM. EDTA and industrial wastewater improving the bioavailability of different Cu forms in contaminated soil. Plant and soil , 2004, 261(2): 117-125
[45] Ni CY, Shi JY, Luo YM, Chen YX. Co-culture engineering for enhanced phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils. Pedosphere. 2004, 14(4): 475-482
[46] 林惠荣,施积炎*,傅晓萍,杨建军,陈英旭. 硫对铅污染水稻土微生物活性及群落结构的影响. 应用生态学报.2010, 21(7): 1-6.
[47] 施积炎, 陈英旭, 林琦, 王远鹏. 根分泌物与微生物对污染土壤重金属活性的影响. 中国环境科学,2004,24(3): 316-319 (EI)
[48] 施积炎, 陈英旭, 田光明, 林琦, 王远鹏.铁和ATP酶抑制剂对鸭跖草铜吸收的影响. 土壤学报,2004,41(4):62-67
[49] 施积炎, 陈英旭, 田光明, 林琦.海州香薷和鸭跖草铜吸收机理. 植物营养与肥料学报, 004,10(6):642-646
[50] 施积炎, 陈英旭, 袁小凤, 武贝, 黄宇营, 何伟. 同步辐射X荧光分析海州香薷根中铜结合蛋白的微量元素. 核技术,2004,27(10):736-739

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