

浙江大学机械工程学系导师:朱铁军 正文
1992年考入浙江大学材料系,2001年获浙江大学博士学位后赴新加坡-麻省理工联盟(Singapore-MIT Alliance)做博士后研究。2004年5月回国,聘为浙江大学材料系副教授,2010年12月聘为浙江大学教授。2005、2007年曾在南洋理工大学淡马锡实验室做访问学者,2009年获英国皇家工程院(REA)资助赴Cardiff大学进行短期交流访问,2011.9-2012.3美国加州理工学院访问学者。
目前作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金2项,做为学术骨干参加国家“973”项目1项,国家自然基金重点项目1项。已负责完成国家“863”高科技计划项目1项,国家自然科学基金1项,浙江省钱江人才计划项目、教育部留学回国人员基金等省部级项目8项;迄今在Energ. Environm. Sci.,J. Phys. Chem. C,Acta Mater.,Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际刊物上发表学术论文150余篇,获授权发明专利12项。在国际学术会议上做特邀报告5次。与美国、英国、新加坡等国家的多所著名大学建立了长期合作关系。2008年被新加坡国立大学(NUS)工学院聘为海外研究生导师,联合培养该校博士研究生。
1. F. Yan,M.O. Lai,L. Lu,T.J. Zhu,Enhanced Multiferroic Properties and Valence Effect of Ru-Doped BiFeO3 Thin Films,J. Phys. Chem. C,114 (2010) 6994-6998
2. S. N. Zhang,T. J. Zhu*,S. H. Yang,C. Yu,and X. B. Zhao,Improved thermoelectric properties of AgSbTe2 based compounds with nanoscale Ag2Te in situ precipitates,J. Alloys Compd,499 (2010) 215-220.
3. C. Yu,T.J. Zhu*,S.H. Yang,J.J. Shen and X.B. Zhao,Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Polycrystalline Nonstoichiometric Yb14MnSb11 Zintl Compounds,Phys. Status Solidi RRL,4(8-9),212-214 (2010).
4. J. J. Shen,T. J. Zhu,X. B. Zhao*,S. H. Yang,and Z. Z. Yin,Thermoelectric and Thermomechanical Properties of the Hot Pressed Polycrystalline Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Alloys,J. Alloys Compd,publish online.
5. Jun-Jie Shen,Tie-Jun Zhu*,Xin-Bing Zhao*,Sheng-Nan Zhang,Sheng-Hui Yang,and Zhen-Zhong Yin,Recrystallization induced in situ nanostructures in bulk bismuth antimony tellurides: a simple top down route and improved thermoelectric properties,Energy & Environmental Science.,publish online. (IF=8.5)
6. T.J. Zhu*,K. Xiao,C. Yu,J.J. Shen,S.H. Yang,A.J. Zhou,X.B. Zhao,and J. He,Effects of yttrium doping on the thermoelectric properties of Hf0.6Zr0.4NiSn0.98Sb0.02 half-Heusler alloys,J. Appl. Phys. 108(4),044903,2010.
7. Tie-Jun Zhu*,Xi Chen,Xiao-Yang Meng,Xin-Bing Zhao and Jian He,Anisotropic Growth of Cubic PbTe Nanoparticles to Nanosheets: Controlled Synthesis and Growth Mechanisms,Crystal Growth & Design,10,3727-3731 (2010).
8. T.J. Zhu*,S.N. Zhang,S.H. Yang,X.B. Zhao,Improved thermoelectric figure of merit of self-doped Ag8-xGeTe6 compounds with glass-like thermal conductivity,Phys. Status Solidi RRL,2010,publish online.
9. Y. Chen,T.J. Zhu,S.H. Yang,C. Yu,X.B. Zhao*,Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance and Effect of Doping in VA-Element doped Pb9.6M0.2Te10-xSex (M=Sb,Bi) Bulk Materials,J. Phys. D,43(3),035405,2010.
10. Y.Q. Cao,T.J. Zhu*,X.B. Zhao*,Nanostructured PbTe compound synthesized by a simple chemical route,J. Alloy Compd,493 (2010) 423-426.
11. S.N. Zhang,T.J. Zhu,S.H. Yang,C. Yu and X.B. Zhao*,Phase composition,Nanoscale Microstructures and Thermoelectric Properties in Ag2-ySbyTe1+y alloys with precipitated Sb2Te3 plates,Acta Mater. 58 (2010) 4160-4169.
12. C. Yu,T.J. Zhu,K. Xiao,J. Jin,X.B. Zhao*,Reduced Grain Sizes and Improved Thermoelectric Properties in Melt Spun (Hf,Zr)NiSn Half-Heusler Alloys,J. Electr. Mater. (ICT2009)
13. Y. Chen,S.H. Yang,S.N. Zhang,T.J. Zhu and X.B. Zhao*,High performance (AgxSbTex/2+1)15(GeTe)85 thermoelectric materials prepared by melt spinning,J. Electr. Mater. (ICT2009)
14. Tie-Jun Zhu*,Yi-Qi Cao,Qian Zhang,and Xin-Bing Zhao,Bulk Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials: Preparation,Structure and Properties,J. Electr. Mater. 39(9),1990-1995,2010. (ICT2009)
15. C. Yu,Y. Zhang,T.J. Zhu*,G.Y. Jiang,J. Xu,B. Zhao,X.B. Zhao,Fabrication and Thermoelectric Properties of Zr1-xTixNiSn0.975Sb0.025 Half-Heusler Alloys,J. Mater. Sci. Techn.,25(6),738-741 (2009)
16. T.J. Zhu*,X. Chen,Y.Q. Cao,X.B. Zhao,Controllable synthesis and shape evolution of PbTe three dimensional hierarchical superstructures via an alkaline hydrothermal method,J. Phys. Chem. C,113(19): 8085-8091 (2009)
17. C. Yu,T.J. Zhu*,R.Z. Shi,Y. Zhang,X.B. Zhao,J. He,High performance half-Heusler thermoelectric materials Hf1-x ZrxNiSn1-ySby prepared by levitation melting and spark plasma sintering,Acta Mater. 57(9),2757-2764 (2009)
18. Y.Q. Cao,T.J. Zhu*,X.B. Zhao,Low thermal conductivity and improved figure of merit in bulk nanostructured PbTe,J. Phys. D. 42,015406 (2009).
19. X. Chen,T.J. Zhu*,X.B. Zhao,Synthesis and growth mechanism of rough PbTe polycrystalline thermoelectric nanorods,J. Cryst. Growth,311(11): 3179-3183 (2009).
20. T.J. Zhu*,C. Yu,J. He,S.N. Zhang,X.B. Zhao,T.M. Tritt,Thermoelectric properties of Zintl compound YbZn2Sb2 with Mn substitution in anionic framework,J. Electr. Mater. 2009,38(7): 1068-1071 (ICT2008).
21. A.J. Zhou,X.B. Zhao*,T.J. Zhu,Y.Q. Cao,C Stiewe,R. Hassdorf,E. Mueller,Composites of Higher Manganese Silicides and Nanostructured Secondary Phases and Their Thermoelectric Properties,J. Electr. Mater. 2009,38(7): 1072-1077 (ICT2008).
22. S.N. Zhang,J. He,X.H. Ji,Z. Su,S.H. Yang,T.J. Zhu. X.B. Zhao,T.M. Tritt,Effects of Ball-Milling Atmosphere on the Thermoelectric Properties of TAGS-85 Compounds,J. Electr. Mater. 38(7): 1142-1147 (2009).
23. X. B. Zhao,Y.Q. Cao,J.L. Mi,Q. Zhang,S.H. Yang,T. J. Zhu,Synthesis of nanocomposites with improved thermoelectric properties,J. Electr. Mater. 2009 38(7),1017-1024 (ICT2008).
24. Q. Zhang,J. He,T. J. Zhu,S. N. Zhang,X. B. Zhao,T. M. Tritt,High figures of merit and natural nanostructures in Mg2Si0.4Sn0.6 based thermoelectric materials,Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (2008): 102109
25. Q. Zhang,J. He,X.B. Zhao,S. N. Zhang,T. J. Zhu,H. Yin and T. M. Tritt,In Situ Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of La-doped Mg2(Si,Sn) Composites,J. Phys. D,41,185103 (2008).
26. Zhang SN,He J,Zhu TJ,Zhao XB,Tritt TM,Thermal conductivity and specific heat of bulk amorphous chalcogenides Ge20Te80-xSex (x=0,1,2,8),J. Non-Cryst. Solids,355(2),79-83 (2009)
27. J.J. Shen,X.X. Liu,T.J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao,Improved thermoelectric properties of La doped Bi2Sr2Co2O9 layered oxides,J. Mater. Sci.,2009,44(7): 1889-1893.
28. Yang L,Hng HH,Li D,Yan QY,Ma J,Zhu TJ,Zhao XB,Huang H,Thermoelectric properties of p-type CoSb3 nanocomposites with dispersed CoSb3 nanoparticles,J. Appl. Phys. 2009,106:013705
29. Y. Q. Cao,X. B. Zhao,T. J. Zhu,X. B. Zhang and J.P. Tu,Syntheses and Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 Bulk Nanocomposites with Laminated Nanostructure,Appl. Phys. Lett.,2008,92: 143106
30. Y.Q. Cao. T.J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao,X.B. Zhang,J.P. Tu,Nanostructuring and improved performance of ternary Bi-Sb-Te thermoelectric materials,Appl. Phys. A,2008,92,321-324.
31. Q. Zhang,X.B. Zhao,H. Yin,T.J. Zhu,Thermoelectric performance of Mg2−xCaxSi compounds,J. Alloys Compds,2008,464: 9-12
32. T.J. Zhu,X. Chen,X.B. Zhao,L. Lu,Step-flow growth of heteroepitaxial SrRuO3 thin films on 0.04° SrTiO3 (001) vicinal substrates,Functional Materials Letters,2008,1(3): 1-5
33. S. H. Yang,T. J. Zhu,T. Sun,J. He,S. N. Zhang and X. B. Zhao,Nanostructures in High Performance Thermoelectric Materials (GeTe)x(AgSbTe2)100-x,Nanotechnology,2008,19(24): 245707.
34. T.J. Zhu,Y.Q. Liu and X.B. Zhao,Synthesis of PbTe thermoelectric materials by alkaline reducing chemical routes,Mater. Res. Bull.,43(11),2008,2850-2854.
35. J. L. Mi,X. B. Zhao,T. J. Zhu and J. P. Tu,Thermoelectric properties of Yb0.15Co4Sb12 based nanocomposites with CoSb3 nano-inclusion,J. Phys.D,41 (2008): 205403.
36. J.L. Mi,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,J.P. Tu,Improved thermoelectric figure of merit in n-type CoSb3 based nanocomposites,Appl. Phys. Lett.,91 (2007) 172116.
37. C. Yu,T. J. Zhu,S. N. Zhang,and X. B. Zhao,Improved Thermoelectric Performance in the Zintl Phase Compounds YbZn2-xMnxSb2 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) via an Iso-Electronic Substitution in the Anionic Framework,J. Appl. Phys.,2008,104: 013705.
38. Q. Zhang,X. B. Zhao,T. J. Zhu,J. P. Tu,Ab-initio thermodynamic calculations of Mg2BIV (BIV = Si,Ge,Sn) solid solutions,Phys. Solid Stat. RRL,2,2008,56-58
39. J.L. Mi,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu and J.P. Tu,Nanosized La filled CoSb3 prepared by a solvothermal- annealing method,Mater. Lett. 2008,62,2363-2365
40. J.L. Mi,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,J. Ma,Thermoelectric properties of skutterudites FexNiyCo1-x-ySb3,J. Alloys Compds,452,2008,225-229.
41. A. J. Zhou,T. J. Zhu,H. L. Ni,Q. Zhang,X. B. Zhao,Preparation and Transport Properties of CeSi2/HMS Thermoelectric Composites,J. Alloys Compds,2008,455,255-258.
42. H.Y. Chen,X.B. Zhao,T. J. Zhu,J.Z. Jiang,G. Karpinski,C. Lathe,and E. Mueller,In-situ energy dispersive X-ray diffraction study of iron disilicide thermoelectric materials,J. Phys. Chem. Solids,2008,69: 2013-2018.
43. S.N. Zhang,T.J. Zhu,F. Yan,X.B. Zhao,Crystallization kinetics of SixTe100-x chalcogenide glasses,Physica B,403,(2008): 3459-3463.
44. J.L. Mi,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,Solvothermal synthesis and thermoelectric properties of skutterudite compound Fe0.25Ni0.25Co0.5Sb3,Rare Metals,2009,28(3):237-240.
45. Q. Zhang,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,A.J. Zhou,Electronic structures and properties of Mg2Si based thermoelectric materials,Phys. Sol. Stat. A,2008,1-5.
46. A. J. Zhou,T. J. Zhu,X. B. Zhao,H. Y. Chen,E. Müller,Thermoelectric properties of perovskite-type oxides La1-xSrxCoO3,J. Mater. Sci. 43(5),2008,1520-1524.
47. T.J. Zhu,F.Yan,X.B. Zhao,Preparation and thermoelectric properties of bulk nanocomposites with amorphous/nanocrystal in-situ hybrid structure,J. Phys. D,40 (2007) 6094-6097.
48. T.J. Zhu,L. Lu,M.O. Lai,A.K. Soh,Thickness Dependence of Electrical Properties in (001) Oriented Lead Zirconate Titanate Films by Laser Ablation,Mater. Sci. Eng. B,138(1),15 Mar. 2007,51-54. (50601022,overseas)
49. F. Yan,T.J. Zhu,S.N. Zhang,X.B. Zhao,Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of cubic AgPb18Sb1-xTe20 (x = 0.1,0.3,0.5) compounds,Physica Scripta T 129 (2007) 116-119.
50. T.J. Zhu,F. Yan,S.N. Zhang,X.B. Zhao,Microstructure and electrical properties of quenched AgPb18Sb1-xTe20 thermoelectric materials,J. Phys. D,40,3537-3540,2007.
51. F. Yan,T.J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao,S.R. Dong,A study of the crystallization kinetics of Ge-Te amorphous system,J. Univ. Sci. Techn. Beijing,S1,2007,64-67.
52. Y.H. Zhang,T.J. Zhu and X.B. Zhao,Flower-like Nanostructure and Thermoelectric Properties of Hydrothermally Synthesized La-containing Bi2Te3 Based Alloys,Mater. Phys. Chem.,103,484-488,2007.
53. J.L. Mi,T.J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao and J. Ma,Nanostructuring and thermoelectric properties of bulk skutterudite compound CoSb3,J. Appl. Phys. 2007,101,054314. (973,NSF50471039)
54. F. Yan,T.J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao,S.R. Dong,Microstructures and thermoelectric properties of GeSbTe based layered compounds,Appl. Phys. A,88(2),425-428,2007. (NSF50601022,973)
55. J.Z. Hu,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,A.J. Zhao,Synthesis and transport properties of Bi2Te3 nano-composites,Physica Scripta,T129,2007,120-122. (ISFM2007)
56. Q. Zhang,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,A.J. Zhou,Preparation and thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si1-xSnx,Physica Scripta,T129,2007,123-126. (ISFM2007)
57. A. J. Zhou,T. J. Zhu,X. B. Zhao,H. Y. Chen,E. Müller,Fabrication and Thermoelectric Properties of Perovskite-type Oxide La1-xSrxCoO3 (x = 0,0.1),J. Alloys Compds,449(1-2),2007,105-108.
58. Y. Q. Cao,T. J. Zhu,X. B. Zhao,Thermoelectric Bi2Te3 nanotubes synthesized by low-temperature aqueous chemical method,J. Alloys Compds,449(1-2),2007,109-112.
59. K. Yang,H. Chen,H.H. Hng,J. Ma,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,J.L. Mi,Y. B. Zhang,Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of double-filled skutterudites CeyYb0.5−yFe1.5Co2.5Sb12,J. Alloys Compds,2009,467(1-2),528-532.
60. X.J. Chen,G.S. Cao,X.B. Zhao,J.P. Tu,T.J. Zhu,Electrochemical performance of LiFe1−xVxPO4/carbon composites prepared by solid-state reaction,J. Alloy Compds,2008,463: 385-389
61. X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu and X.H. Ji,“Solvothermal Synthesis of Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials”,in CRC Handbook of Thermoelectrics,ed. D.M. Rowe (CRC,Boca Raton,FL). 2006,p.25.
62. T. Sun,T.J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao,Nanostructured Bi2Te3 synthesized by low temperature aqueous chemical route,Front. Chem. China,1(2),188-192 (2006). ISSN 1673-3495
63. T.J. Zhu,L. Lu,X.B. Zhao,Orientation of MgO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition,Mater. Sci. Eng. B,129/1-3,96-99 (2006).
64. T.J. Zhu,L. Lu,X.B. Zhao,Z.G. Ji,and J. Ma,Epitaxial growth and ferroelectric properties of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/SrRuO3 heterostructures on exact SrTiO3(001) substrates,J. Cryst. Growth,291(2),385-389 (2006).
65. T.J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao,L. Lu,Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/TiNi multilayered heterostructures on Si substrates for smart systems,Thin Solid Films,515,1445-1449 (2006).
66. J.L. Mi,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,J.P. Tu,G.S. Cao,Solvothermal synthesis and electrical transport properties of skutterudite CoSb3,J. Alloys Compds,417( 1-2),29 June 2006: 269-272.
67. T. Sun,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,J.P. Tu,Aqueous chemical reduction synthesis of Bi2Te3 nanowires with surfactant assistance,Materials Letters,60(20),September 2006: 2534-2537.
68. X.B. Zhao,X.H. Ji,Y.H. Zhang,T.J. Zhu,J.P. Tu and X.B. Zhang,Bismuth telluride nanotubes and the effects on the thermoelectric properties of nanotube-containing nanocomposites,Appl. Phys. Lett.,86,062111 (2005).
69. A.J. Zhou,T.J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao,Thermoelectric properties of perovskite-type oxide La1−xSrxCoO3 (x = 0,0.1) prepared by solid state reactions,Mater. Sci. Eng. B,128,174-178 (2006).
70. T.J. Zhu,L. Lu,M.O. Lai and J. Ding,Growth and magnetic properties of NiMnGa thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition,Smart Mater. Struct.,14(5),S293-S296 (2005)
71. T.J. Zhu,L. Lu,and M.O. Lai. Growth and electrical properties of highly (001)-oriented Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 thin films on amorphous TiN buffered Si(100),Sensors and Actuators A,125(2),336-339,10 Jan. 2006.
72. H.L. Ni,T.J. Zhu and X.B. Zhao,Thermoelectric properties of hydrothermally synthesized and hot pressed n-type Bi2Te3 alloys with different contents of Te,Mater. Sci. Eng. B. 117(2),2005: 119-122
73. H.L. Ni,T.J. Zhu and X.B. Zhao,Hydrothermally synthesized and hot pressed Bi2(Te,Se)3 thermoelectric alloys,Physica B,364,2005: 50-54
74. H.L. Ni,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,X.H. Ji and J.P. Tu,Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 based nanocomposites,J. Alloy Compds,397,2005: 317-321.
75. X.B. Zhao,T. Sun and T.J. Zhu,In-Situ Investigation and Effect of Additives on Low Temperature Aqueous Chemical Synthesis of Bi2Te3 Nanocapsules. J. Mater. Chem. 15(16),2005: 1621-1625
76. H.Y. Chen,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,Y.F. Lu,H.L. Ni,E. Mueller,A. Mrotzek,Influence of nitrogenizing and Al-doping on microstructures and thermoelectric properties of iron disilicide materials,Intermetallics,13(7),704-709. 2005.
77. J.L. Mi,X.B. Zhao,T.J. Zhu,J.P. Tu and G.S. Cao,Solvothermal synthesis of nanostructured ternary skutterudite Fe0.5Ni0.5Sb3,J. Alloy Compd,399,260-263,2005.
78. Y.Y. Zheng,T.J. Zhu and X.B. Zhao,Sonochemical synthesis of nanocrystalline Bi2Te3 thermoelectric compound,Mater. Lett.,59(23),2886-2888,(2005)
79. T.J. Zhu,L. Lu,and M.O. Lai,Pulsed laser deposition of lead-zirconate-titanate thin films and multilayered heterostructures,Appl. Phys. A,81(4),701-714,2005.
80. T. J. Zhu andLi Lu,X-ray diffraction and photoelectron spectroscopic studies of (001)-oriented Pb(Zr.52Ti.48)O3 thin films prepared by laser ablation,J. Appl. Phys.,85(1),241-247,2004
81. T. J. Zhu,Li Lu and C.V. Thompson,Growth and Properties of (001)-oriented Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/LaNiO3 Films on Si(001) Substrates with TiN Buffer Layers,J. Cryst. Growth,273,2004: 172
82. T. J. Zhu and Li Lu,Growth and characterization of (001)-oriented Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/LaNiO3/LaAlO3 heterostructures by pulsed laser deposition,Appl. Phys. A. 86(7),2005. 1517-1522
83. T. J. Zhu,X. B. Zhao and Li Lu,Kinetic analysis of b phase transformation in heat treatment of FeSi2 and Fe2Si5 based thermoelectric alloys,Philos. Mag. 83 (25),2865-2873,2003
84. T. J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao and Li Lu,Preparation and thermoelectric properties of melt-spun Fe2Si5 based alloys,Materials Science Forum,437-438 (2003) 471-474.
85. T. J. Zhu and Li Lu,Improvement of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 Thin Films with LaNiO3 as Bottom Electrodes,The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials,Oct. 8-13,2003,Yokohama,Japan (Trans. MRS-J,Vol. 29,2004,p. 1377)
86. T. J. Zhu and Li Lu,Pulsed Laser Deposition and Characterization of (001)-oriented Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/LaNiO3 Heterostructures,The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials,Oct. 8-13,2003,Yokohama,Japan (Trans. MRS-J,Vol. 29,2004,p.1373)
87. T. J. Zhu,Li Lu and L. Q. Yao,Excimer laser annealing of laser ablated Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 amorphous thin films,Philos. Mag. 84,3729 (2004).
88. T. J. Zhu,X.B.Zhao,S.H.Hu,Phase transition of FeSi2 and Fe2Si5 based alloys prepared by melt spinning,J Mater. Sci. Lett.,2001,20(19): 1831-1833 (SCI)
89. T. J. Zhu,X.B. Zhao et al.,Transport properties of b-Zn4Sb3 semiconductor prepared by vacuum melting,Mater. Lett.,2000,46(1): 44-48 (SCI)
90. X. B. Zhao,T. J. Zhu et al.,Transport properties of rapid solidified Fe-Si-Mn-Cu thermoelectric semiconductor alloys,J. Alloys Comp.,2000,306(1-2):303-306 (SCI)
91. Z.J. Wu,X.B. Zhao,J. Tu,G.S. Cao,J.P. Tu,T.J. Zhu,Synthesis of Li1+xV3O8 by citrate sol–gel route at low temperature,J. Alloys. Compds,403(1-2),2005: 345-348.
92. Y.D. Zhong,X.B. Zhao,G.S. Cao,J.P. Tu,T.J. Zhu,Characterization of particulate sol–gel synthesis of LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 via maleic acid assistance with different solvents,J. Alloys Compds,420(1-2),31 August 2006: 298-305.
93. J. Tu,X.B. Zhao,D.G. Zhuang,G.S. Cao,T.J. Zhu,J.P. Tu,Studies of cycleability of LiMn2O4 and LiLa0.01Mn1.99O4 as cathode materials for Li-ion battery,Physica B: Condensed Matter,382(1-2),15 June 2006: 129-134.
94. J. Tu,X.B. Zhao,G.S. Cao,D.G. Zhuang,T.J. Zhu,J.P. Tu,Enhanced cycling stability of LiMn2O4 by surface modification with melting impregnation method,Electrochimica Acta,2006,51: 6456-6462
95. J. Tu,X.B. Zhao,J. Xie,G.S. Cao,D.G. Zhuang,T.J. Zhu,J.P. Tu,Enhanced low voltage cycling stability of LiMn2O4 cathode by ZnO coating for lithium ion batteries,J. Alloys Compds,432(1-2),313-317,April 2007.
96. X. B. Zhao,S. H. Hu,M. J. Zhao,T. J. Zhu,Thermoelectric properties of Bi.5Sb1.5Te3/polyaniline hybrids prepared by mechanical blending,Materials Letters,2002,52(3): p.147-149. (SCI)
97. X.B. Zhao,G.S. Cao,C.P. Lv,L.J. Zhang,S.H. Hu,T.J. Zhu,Electrochemical Properties of Some Sb or Te Based Alloys for Candidate Anode Materials of Lithium-Ion Batteries,J. Alloys Comp,2001,315 (1-2),265~268 (SCI).
98. Lv Chunping,Zhao Xinbing,Cao Gaoshao,Zhu Tiejun,Effect of graphite on Zn-Sb alloys as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries,Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China,2000,10(2),204~208 (SCI)
99. 蔚翠,朱铁军,肖凯,金吉,沈俊杰,杨胜辉,赵新兵,快速凝固法制备ZrNiSn基Half-Heusler热电材料的微结构,无机材料学报,25(6),2010: 569-572.
100.沈俊杰,杨胜辉,蔚翠,朱铁军,赵新兵,Ag2Te掺杂对P型Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3块状合金热电性能的影响,无机材料学报,25(6),2010: 583-587。

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