

浙江大学光电信息工程学系导师:高士明 正文
在校期间曾获得北京市三好学生、清华大学研究生 “航天海鹰杯”学术新秀、清华大学“优秀研究生”、清华大学特等奖学金、中日友好NSK机械工学优秀论文奖等多项奖励。2005年1月至2006年9月于清华大学仪器科学与技术博士后流动站从事博士后研究工作,自2006年10月起进入浙江大学光电信息工程学系任教至今。2009年11月至2011年9月受浙江大学“新星计划”资助于美国University of California, Irvine交流访问。2011年被评为浙江大学“求是青年学者”、博士生导师。
1.非线性硅光子学 2.光通信全光信号处理 3.新型激光器
1.Bing Sun, Kai Hu, Daru Chen, Yizhen Wei, Shiming Gao, and Sailing He, “Wavelength-spacing tunable double-pumped multiwavelength optical parametric oscillator based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” J.Lightwave Technol., 2012, 30 (12): 1937-1942.
2.Yanqiao Xie, Shiming Gao, and Sailing He, “All-optical wavelength conversion and multicasting for polarization-multiplexed signal using angled pumps in a silicon waveguide,” Opt.Lett., 2012, 37 (11): 1898-1900.
3.Shiming Gao and Xiaosheng Xiao, “All-optical wavelength multicasting based on cascaded four-wave mixing with a single pump in highly nonlinear fibers,” Opt.Commun., 2012, 285 (5): 784-789.
4.Qiang Liu, Shiming Gao, Lizhong Cao, and Sailing He, “Design of low-dispersion-discrepancy silicon waveguide for broadband polarization-independent wavelength conversion,” J.Opt.Soc.Am.B, 2012, 29 (2): 215-219.
5.Bing Sun, Kai Hu, Yizhen Wei, Daru Chen, Shiming Gao, Tianshu Wang, and Sailing He, “Double-pumped multiwavelength fiber optical parametric oscillator based on a Sagnac loop filter,” Opt.Lett., 2012, 37 (1): 106-108.
6.Salih K.Kalyoncu, Shiming Gao, En-Kuang Tien, Yuewang Huang, Dogukan Yildirim, Enver Adas, Stefan Wabnitz, and Ozdal Boyraz, “Stability analysis of pulsed cascaded Raman lasers in dispersion-managed systems,” J.Opt.Soc.Am.B, 2011, 28 (11): 2812-2819.
7.Yanqiao Xie, Ying Gao, Shiming Gao, Xudong Mou, and Sailing He, “All-optical multiple-channel logic XOR gate for NRZ-DPSK signals based on non-degenerate four-wave mixing in a silicon waveguide,” Opt.Lett., 2011, 36 (21): 4260-4262.
8.Yuewang Huang, En-Kuang Tien, Shiming Gao, Salih K.Kalyoncu, Qi Song, Feng Qian, Enver Adas, Dogukan Yildirim, and Ozdal Boyraz, “Electrical signal-to-noise ratio improvement in indirect detection of mid-IR signals by wavelength conversion in silicon-on-sapphire waveguides,” Appl.Phys.Lett., 2011, 99 (18): 181122/1-181122/3.
9.Yizhen Wei, Scott Howard, Adam Straub, Zinan Wang, Ji Cheng, Shiming Gao, and Chris Xu, “High sensitivity third-order autocorrelation measurement by intensity modulation and third harmonic detection,” Opt.Lett., 2011, 36 (12): 2372-2374.
10.Yanqiao Xie, Ying Gao, Shiming Gao, and Chester Shu, “Simultaneous all-optical amplification, inversion and format conversion based on self-induced nonlinear effects in a semiconductor optical amplifier,” Microw.Opt.Technol.Lett., 2011, 53 (6): 1320-1323.
11.Qiang Liu, Shiming Gao, Zhiqiang Li, Yanqiao Xie, and Sailing He, “Dispersion engineering of a silicon-nanocrystal-based slot waveguide for broadband wavelength conversion,” Appl.Opt., 2011, 50 (9): 1260-1265.
12.Zhiqiang Li, Shiming Gao, Qiang Liu, and Sailing He, “Modified model for four-wave mixing-based wavelength conversion in silicon micro-ring resonators,” Opt.Commun., 2011, 284 (8): 2215-2221.
13.Bing Sun, Daru Chen, and Shiming Gao, “Multi-wavelength fiber optical parametric oscillator with a tunable wavelength-spacing”, Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2011, 38 (2): 0202006 (in Chinese).
14.Shiming Gao, En-Kuang Tien, Yuewang Huang, and Sailing He, “Experimental demonstration of bandwidth enhancement based on two-pump wavelength conversion in a silicon waveguide,” Opt.Express, 2010, 18 (26): 27885-27890.
15.Shiming Gao, En-Kuang Tien, Qi Song, Yuewang Huang, and Salih Kagan Kalyoncu, “Experiment of C-band wavelength conversion in a silicon waveguide pumped by dispersed femtosecond laser pulse,” Chin.Phys.Lett., 2010, 27 (12): 124206/1-124206/3.
16.Shiming Gao, Zhiqiang Li, En-Kuang Tien, Sailing He, and Ozdal Boyraz, “Performance evaluation of nondegenerate wavelength conversion in a silicon nanowire waveguide,” J.Lightwave Technol., 2010, 28 (21): 3079-3085.
17.En-Kuang Tien,Yuewang Huang, Shiming Gao, Qi Song, Feng Qian, Salih K.Kalyoncu, and Ozdal Boyraz, “Discrete parametric band conversion in silicon for mid-infrared applications,” Opt.Express, 2010, 18 (21): 21981-21989.
18.Jiaojiao Fu, Daru Chen, Bing Sun, and Shiming Gao, “A Novel-configuration multi-wavelength Brillouin erbium fiber laser and its application in high-frequency switchable microwave generation,” Laser Phys., 2010, 20 (10): 1907-1912.
19.Shiming Gao, Zhiqiang Li, and Xingzhi Zhang, “Power-attenuated optimization for four-wave mixing-based wavelength conversion in silicon nanowire waveguides,” J.Electromagn.Waves Appl., 2010, 24 (8-9): 1255-1265.
20.Jiaojiao Fu and Shiming Gao, “High-purity microwave signal generation using a low-order harmonic-suppressed rational harmonic mode-locked fiber laser incorporating a Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” Microw.Opt.Technol.Lett., 2010, 52 (7): 1640-1645.
21.Shiming Gao,En-Kuang Tien, Qi Song, Yuewang Huang, and Ozdal Boyraz, “Ultra-broadband one-to-two wavelength conversion using low-phase-mismatching four-wave mixing in silicon waveguides,” Opt.Express, 2010, 18 (11): 11898-11903.
22.Shiming Gao, Ying Gao, and Sailing He, “Photonic generation of tunable multi-frequency microwave source,” Electron.Lett., 2010, 46 (3): 236-237.
23.Shiming Gao, Xingzhi Zhang, Zhiqiang Li, and Sailing He, “Polarization-independent wavelength conversion using an angled-polarization pump in a silicon nano-wire waveguide,” IEEE J.Sel.Topics Quantum Electron., 2010, 16 (1): 250-256.
24.Ying Gao and Shiming Gao, “Premodulation-free microwave frequency up/down-conversion using optical-fiber-stimulated Brillouin scattering,” J.Nonlinear Opt.Phys.Mater., 2009, 18 (4): 701-707.
25.Shiming Gao, Ying Gao, Hongyan Fu, Daru Chen, and Sailing He, “Microwave frequency up/downconversion based on dual-wavelength fibre laser,” Electron.Lett., 2009, 45 (18): 932-933.
26.Ying Gao, Shiming Gao, and Haiyan Ou, “All-optical frequency converter based on fiber four-wave mixing for bidirectional radio-over-fiber systems,” Microw.Opt.Technol.Lett., 2009, 51 (6): 1542-1545.
27.Shiming Gao, Hongyan Fu, and Ying Gao, “Photonic generation of microwave/millimeter-wave sources without cavity or modulation using fiber stimulated Brillouin scattering,” Microw.Opt.Technol.Lett., 2009, 51 (5): 1203-1206.
28.Xingzhi Zhang, Shiming Gao, and Sailing He, “Optimal design of a silicon-on-insulator nanowire waveguide for broadband wavelength conversion,” Prog.Electromagn.Res., 2009, 89: 183-198.
29.Xiangrui Miao, Shiming Gao, and Ying Gao, “A multicasting method based on four-wave mixing in highly nonlinear fibers,” Acta Phys.Sin., 2008, 57 (12): 7699-7704 (in Chinese).
30.Shiming Gao and Changxi Yang, “Two channels of entangled twin photons generated by quasi-phase-matched spontaneous parametric down-conversion in periodically poled lithium niobate crystals,” J.Opt.Soc.Am.B, 2008, 25 (5): 734-740.
31.Peng Dong, Xiaosheng Xiao, Yu Tian, Shiming Gao, and Changxi Yang, “Compensating power depletion due to stimulated Raman scattering in high-power delivery fiber via spectral inversion,” J.Opt.Soc.Am.B, 2008, 25 (1): 48-53.
32.Shiming Gao and Sailing He, “Four-wave mixing in left-handed materials,” J.Nonlinear Opt.Phys.Mater.(Invited Paper), 2007, 16 (4): 485-496.
33.Shiming Gao and Changxi Yang, “Prediction of multichannel polarization-entangled photon pairs in a single periodically poled lithium niobate with a monochromatic pump,” Opt.Lett., 2007, 32 (18): 2653-2655.
34.Ying Gao, Daru Chen, and Shiming Gao, “Stable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on dispersion-shifted fiber and Sagnac loop filter,” Chin.Opt.Lett., 2007, 5 (9): 519-521.
35.Yu Tian, Xiaosheng Xiao, Shiming Gao, and Changxi Yang, “All-optical switch based on two-pump four-wave mixing in fibers without a frequency shift,” Appl.Opt., 2007, 46 (23): 5588-5582.
36.Shiming Gao, “Wavelength management method of telecommunication-band polarization-entangled twin photons in periodically poled lithium niobate crystals,” Acta Photonica Sinica, 2007, 36 (5): 820-824.
37.Daru Chen, Shan Qin, Ying Gao, and Shiming Gao, “Wavelength-spacing continuously tunable multiwavelength erbium-doped fibre laser based on DSF and MZI,” Electron.Lett., 2007, 43 (9): 524-525.
38.Daru Chen, Haiyan Ou, Hongyan Fu, Shan Qin, and Shiming Gao, “Wavelength-spacing tunable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser incorporating a semiconductor optical amplifier,” Laser Phys.Lett., 2007, 4 (4): 287-290.
39.Xiaosheng Xiao, Shiming Gao, Yu Tian, and Changxi Yang, “Optimization of the net residual dispersion for self-phase modulation-impaired systems by perturbation theory,” J.Lightwave Technol., 2007, 25 (3): 929-937.
40.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, Xiaosheng Xiao, Yu Tian, Zheng You, and Guofan Jin, “Performance evaluation of tunable channel-selective wavelength shift by cascaded sum- and difference-frequency generation in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides,” J.Lightwave Technol., 2007, 25 (3): 710-718.
41.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, Daru Chen, Shan Qin, and Ying Gao, “Bandwidth enhancement methods of telecom-region entangled twin photons via quasi-phase-matched spontaneous parametric down-conversion,” J.Nonlinear Opt.Phys.Mater., 2006, 15 (4): 513-521.
42.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, Xiaosheng Xiao, Yu Tian, Zheng You, and Guofan Jin, “Bandwidth enhancement and response flattening of cascaded sum- and difference-frequency generation-based wavelength conversion,” Opt.Commun., 2006, 266 (1): 296-301.
43.Xiaosheng Xiao, Changxi Yang, Shiming Gao, and Yu Tian, “Partial compensation of Kerr nonlinearities by optical phase conjugation in optical fiber transmission systems without power symmetry,” Opt.Commun., 2006, 265 (1): 326-330.
44.Yu Tian, Xiaosheng Xiao, Shiming Gao, Si Lu, and Changxi Yang, “Ultra-flat and broadband two-pump optical parametric amplifiers using a single-section highly nonlinear fiber,” Opt.Commun., 2006, 263 (1): 116-119.
45.Xiaosheng Xiao, Shiming Gao, Yu Tian, and Changxi Yang, “Analytical optimization of the net residual dispersion in SPM-limited dispersion-managed systems,” J.Lightwave Technol., 2006, 24 (5): 2038-2044.
46.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, Xiaosheng Xiao, Yu Tian, Zheng You, and Guofan Jin, “Wavelength conversion of spectrum-sliced broadband amplified spontaneous emission light by hybrid four-wave mixing in highly nonlinear, dispersion shifted fibers,” Opt.Express, 2006, 14 (7): 2873-2879.
47.Xiaosheng Xiao, Changxi Yang, Shiming Gao, and Houxun Miao, “Analysis of ultrashort-pulse second-harmonic generation in both phase- and group-velocity-matched structures,” IEEE J.Quantum Electron., 2005, 41 (1): 85-93.
48.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, and Guofan Jin, “Conventional-band and long-wavelength-band efficient wavelength conversion by difference-frequency generation in sinusoidally chirped optical superlattice waveguides,” Opt.Commun., 2004, 239 (4-6): 333-338.
49.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, Xiaosheng Xiao, and Guofan Jin, “Broadband and multiple-channel visible laser generation by use of segmented quasi-phase-matching gratings,” Opt.Commun., 2004, 233 (1-3): 205-209.
50.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, and Guofan Jin, “Flat broad-band wavelength conversion based on sinusoidally chirped optical superlattices in lithium niobate,” IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett., 2004, 16 (2): 557-559.
51.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, and Guofan Jin, “Analysis of power-dependent phase-matched four-wave mixing in dispersion-managed transmission systems,” Appl.Opt., 2003, 42 (36): 7126-7131.
52.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, and Guofan Jin, “Comparison of interchannel four-wave mixing with continuous waves, quasi-continuous waves and ultrashort pulses,” J.Nonlinear Opt.Phys.Mater., 2003, 12 (3): 377-384.
53.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, and Guofan Jin, “Wavelength converter based on linearly chirped gratings in lithium niobate through cascaded second-order processes,” Chin.Phys.Lett., 2003, 20 (8): 1272-1274.
54.Shiming Gao, Changxi Yang, and Guofan Jin, “Comparison of interchannel pulses four-wave mixing in SMF, NZDSF and HNLF,” Opt.Commun., 2002, 206 (4-6): 439-443.

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