

浙江大学光电信息工程学系导师:张阿平 正文
已经在国际知名期刊和会议发表研究论文有70余篇,特邀报告3次。主持或曾主持包括国家自然科学基金项目、国防预研基金、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金、科技部基础研究973项目子课题等项目多项。曾担任2009年国际光电子与通信会议(OECC)技术委员会委员、2010年亚太光传感会议(APOS)技术委员会联合主席、2010年光纤传感器发展与产业化论坛程序委员会委员等。为国家自然科学基金、浙江等省自然科学基金、国内外知名期刊如“Opt Lett”、“Opt Exp”、“Appl Opt”、“IEEE JSTQE”、“IEEE PTL”、“IEEE JLT”、“IEEE SJ”、“Sensors and Actuators”、“Opt Commun”等评审专家。
1.光纤光栅、光纤传感与通信器件; 2.激光微纳加工及光子器件;
1.G.-F.Yan, A.P.Zhang, G.Ma, B.Wang, B.Kim,J.Im, S.He, and Y.Chung, “Fiber-optic acetylene gas sensor based on microstructured optical fiber Bragg gratings,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2011, DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2011.2164575.
2.H.Fu, X.Shu, A.P.Zhang, W.Liu, L.Zhang, S.He, and I.Bennion, “Implementation and characterization of liquid-level sensor based on a long-period fiber grating Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” IEEE Sensor Journal, 2011, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2011.2145416.
3.Y.Liu, C.Meng, A.P.Zhang, Y.Xiao, H.Yu, and L.Tong, “Compact microfiber Bragg Gratings with high-index contrast,” Optics Letters,Vol.36, Iss.16, pp.3115-3117, 2011.
4.A.P.Zhang, G.F.Yan, S.-R.Gao, S.He, B.Kim, J.Im, and Y.Chung,“Microfluidic refractive-index sensors based on small-hole microstructured optical fiber Bragg gratings,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol.98, pp.221109, 2011.
5.S.-R.Gao, A.P.Zhang, H.-Y.Tam, L.H.Cho, and C.Lu, “All-optical fiber anemometer based on laser heated fiber Bragg gratings,” Optics Express, Vol.19, Iss.11, pp.10124–10130, 2011.
6.J.-J.Zhu, A.P.Zhang, B.Zhou, F.Tu, J.-T.Guo, W.-J.Tong, S.He, and W.Xue,“Effects of doping concentrations on the regeneration of Bragg gratings in hydrogen loaded optical fibers,” Optics Communications, Vol.284, pp.2808-2811, 2011.
7.M.Yin, B.Gu, Q.Zhao, J.Qian, A.P.Zhang, Q.An, and S.He, “Highly sensitive and fast responsive fiber-optic modal interferometric pH sensor based on polyelectrolyte complex and polyelectrolyte self-assembled nanocoating,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol.399, No.10, pp.3623-3631, 2011.
8.B.Gu, M.-J.Yin, A.P.Zhang, J.-W.Qian, and S.He, “Optical fiber relative humidity sensor based on FBG incorporated thin-core fiber modal interferometer,” Optics Express, Vol.19, Iss.5, pp.4140–4146, 2011.
9.Z.Gui, J.Qian, M.Yin, Q.An, B.Gu and A.P.Zhang,“A novel fast response fiber-optic pH sensor based on nanoporous self-assembled multilayer films,”Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol.20, pp.7754 -7760, 2010.
10.J.-J.Zhu, A.P.Zhang, T.H.Xia, S.He, and W.Xue, “Fiber-optic high-temperature sensor based on thin-core fiber modal interferometer,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.10, No.6, pp.1415-1418, 2010.
11.W.S.Liu, Y.H.Fu, A.P.Zhang, and S.He, “Fiber Bragg grating based wireless sensor module with modulated radio-frequency signal,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol.20, No.6, pp.358-360, 2010.
12.Y.C.Wang, A.P.Zhang, M.Jiang, B.Gu, and S.He, “Core-mode scatterer and fiber end-face mirror incorporated reflective long-period grating sensors,” Electronics Letters, Vol.46, Iss.10, pp.710-712, 2010.
13.B.Zhou, A.P.Zhang, B.Gu, and S.He, “Cladding-mode-recoupling-based tilted fiber-Bragg grating sensor with a core-diameter mismatched fiber section,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.2, Iss.2, pp.152-157, 2010.
14.T.-H.Xia, A.P.Zhang, B.Gu, and J.-J.Zhu, “Fiber-optic refractive-index sensor based on transmissive and reflective thin-core fiber modal interferometer,” Optics Communications,Vol.283, Iss.10, pp.2136-2139, 2010.
15.Y.B.Bai and A.P.Zhang, “Novel periodic microstructures fabricated by multi-exposure two-beam interference lithography,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP 2010), Shanghai, China, Nov.2010(Proc.SPIE 7990, 799006, 2010; doi:10.1117/12.888450).
16.A.P.Zhang, “Advance in Fiber-Optic Refractive-Index Sensors and Their Applications,” International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology 2010 (ICAIT 2010), ID: conf10a434, Hainan, China, July 2010.(invited talk)
17.Mingjie Yin, Bobo Gu, Jinwen Qian, and A.P.Zhang, “Novel Optical Fiber Hg2+ Sensor Based on Electrostatic Self-assembly Multilayers,” The 5th Symposium on Development and Industrialization of Optical Fiber Sensors, Guangzhou, China, July, 2010.
18.A.P.Zhang, “Progress on the development of wavelength modulated optical fiber sensors,” The 5th Symposium on Development and Industrialization of Optical Fiber Sensors, Guangzhou, China, July, 2010.(invited talk)
19.W.S.Liu, A.P.Zhang, H.Y.Tam, and S.He, “Ultrasensitive refractive index sensor based on polarization-maintaining PCF Sagnac interferometer,” The 2nd Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS 2010), ID: P0089, Guangzhou, China, June 2010.
20.B.Gu, M.-J.Yin, A.Ping Zhang, and J.-W.Qian, “Optical fiber pH sensor with monotonic response in both acidic and alkaline solutions,” The 2nd Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS 2010), ID: P0086, Guangzhou, China, June 2010.
21.F.Tu, J.Guo, B.Chen, W.Tong, and A.P.Zhang, “Influence of dopants on the high-temperature sustainability of FBGs fabricated in Ge/B codoped photosensitive fibers,” The 2nd Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS 2010), ID: P0036, Guangzhou, China, June 2010.
22.B.Gu, M.-J.Yin, A.P.Zhang, J.-W.Qian, and S.He, “Low-cost high-performance fiber-optic pH sensor based on thin-core fiber modal interferometer,” Optics Express, Vol.17, No.25, pp.22296-22302, 2009.
23.M.Jiang, A.P.Zhang, Y.-C.Wang, H.Y.Tam, and S.He, “Fabrication of a compact reflective long-period grating sensor with a cladding-mode-selective fiber end-face mirror,” Optics Express, Vol.17, No.20, pp.17976–17982, 2009.
24.A.P.Zhang, Y.Shi, and S.He, “Fabrication of novel photonic crystal structures and devices,” Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, Vol.46, No.2, pp.39, 2009 (in Chinese, awarded as Optics in China 2008').
25.G.S.He, A.P.Zhang, Q.D.Zheng, H.-Y.Qin, P.N.Prasad, S.He, and H.Ågren, “Multi-focus structures of ultrashort self-focusing laser beam observed in a three-photon fluorescent medium,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol.45, Issue 7, pp.816-824, 2009.
26.W.Liu, H.Fu, A.P.Zhang, and S.He, “Novel fiber Bragg grating sensor interrogation scheme based on radio-frequency signal measurement,” The 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2009), ID: P0087, Hong Kong, July 2009.
27.Y.Wang, M.Jiang, A.P.Zhang, W.Liu, and Y.Bai, “Fabrication of Long-Period Grating Based In-Fiber Reflection-Mode Biosensors,” International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology 2009 (ICAIT 2009), ID: conf07a480, Xi’an, China, June 2009.
28.A.P.Zhang, Y.Shi, and S.He, “Fabrication of Novel Photonic Crystal Structures and Devices,” 2009’ Laser Technology Forum, Shanghai, China, Mar.2009.(invited talk)
29.A.P.Zhang, S.He, K.-T.Kim, Y.-K.Yoon, R.Burzynski, M.Samoc, and P.N.Prasad, “Fabrication of submicron structures in nanoparticle-polymer composite by holographic lithography and reactive ion etching,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol.93, No.20, pp.203509, 2008.
30.L.-Y.Shao, S.-T.Lau, X.Dong, A.P.Zhang, H.L.W.Chan, H.-Y.Tam, and S.He, “High-frequency ultrasonic hydrophone based on a cladding-etched DBR fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.20, No.8, pp.548-550, 2008.
31.A.P.Zhang, R.Burzynski, Y.-K.Yoon, P.N.Prasad, and S.He, “Double layer fabrication scheme for large area polymeric photonic crystal membrane on silicon surface by multi-beam interference lithography,” Optics Letters, Vol.33, No.12, pp.1303-1305, 2008 (selected for publication by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Volume 18, Iss.4, July 28, 2008).
32.A.P.Zhang, K.-T.Kim, R.Burzynski, M.Samoc, Y.-K.Yoon, P.N.Prasad, and S.He, “Patterning of Nanoparticles in Polymer by Holographic Lithography and Reactive Ion Etching,” HP Labs Photonics Interconnect Forum, ID:29, Palo Alto, USA, May 2008.
33.L.-Y.Shao, X.-Y.Dong, A.P.Zhang, H.-Y.Tam, and S.He, “High-resolution strain and temperature sensor based on distributed-Bragg-reflector fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.19, No.20, pp.1598-1600, Oct.2007.
34.J.-H.Yan, A.P.Zhang, L.-Y.Shao, J.-F.Ding, and S.He, “Simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature by using dual long-period gratings with an etching process,” IEEE Sensor Journal, Vol.7, No.9, pp.1360-1361, Sept.2007.
35.L.-Y.Shao, A.P.Zhang, W.-S.Liu, H.-Y.Fu, and S.He, “Optical refractive-index sensor based on dual fiber-Bragg gratings interposed with a multimode-fiber taper,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.19, Iss.1, pp.30- 32, Jan.2007.
36.Z.G.Guan, A.P.Zhang, R.Liao, J.Meng, and S.He, “Wavelength detection of coherence-multiplexed sensors based on long-period grating pairs,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.7, No.1, pp.36-37.Jan.2007.
37.L.-Y.Shao, S.-T.Lau, X.Dong, H.-Y.Tam, HLW Chan and A.P.Zhang, “Ultrasonic Hydrophone Based on Etched Distributed-Bragg-Reflector Fiber Laser Paper,”International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication (OECC/IOOC2007), ID: 111, Yokohama, Japan, July 2007.
38.J.F.Song, L.Y.Shao, A.P.Zhang, S.He, J.Kang, and M.Li, “A new fiber-Bragg-grating based dynamic-strain interrogation system,” Journal of Optoelectronics & Laser, Vol.18, pp.924-926, 2007 (in Chinese, selected for publication in English sister-journal: Optoelectronics Letters, Vol.2, pp.336-338, 2006).
39.A.P.Zhang, Z.G.Guan, and S.He, “Low-coherence reflectometry based on long-period grating Mach-Zehnder interferometers,” Applied Optics, Vol.45, Iss.22, pp.5733-5739, 2006.
40.Z.G.Guan, A.P.Zhang, J.Meng, and S.He, “Low-coherence interrogation scheme for multiplexed sensors based on long-period grating Mach-Zehnder interferometers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.18, No.7, pp.832-834, 2006.
41.Z.G.Guan, A.P.Zhang, R.Liao, M.Jiang and S.He, “Coherence Multiplexing of Sensors based on Long-Period Fiber Grating Mach-Zehnder Interferometers,” Asia-Pacific Optical Communications 2006 (APOC’06), Guangju, Korea (Proceedings of SPIE, vol.6351, pp.635124.1-635124.9, 2006).
42.A.P.Zhang, X.W.Chen, J.H.Yan, Z.G.Guan, S.He, and H.Y.Tam, “Optimization and fabrication of stitched long-period gratings for gain-flattening of ultrawide-band EDFAs,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.17, No.12, pp.2559-2561, 2005.
43.A.P.Zhang, L.Y.Shao, J.F.Ding, and S.He, “Sandwiched long-period gratings for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.17, No.11, pp.2397 - 2399, 2005.
44.J.F.Ding, A.P.Zhang, L.Y.Shao, J.H.Yan, and S.He, “Fiber-taper seeded long-period grating pair for a highly sensitive refractive-index sensor,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.17, No.6, pp.1247 - 12 49, 2005.
45.A.P.Zhang, X.W.Chen, Z.G.Guan, S.He, H.Y.Tam, and Y.H.Chung, “Optimization of step-changed long-period gratings for gain-flattening of EDFAs,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.17 , No.1, pp.121 -123, 2005.
46.J.H.Yan, A.P.Zhang, L.Y.Shao, and S.He, “Broadband WDM filter based on an improved long-period grating pair,” Asia-Pacific Optical Communications 2005 (APOC’05), Shanghai, ID: 6019-78 (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.6019, pp.601925.1-601925.8, 2005).
47.L.Y.Shao, A.P.Zhang, J.H.Yan, and S.He, “Discrimination between refractive index and temperature by using a sandwiched structure of long-period gratings,” Asia-Pacific Optical Communications 2005 (APOC’05), Shanghai, ID: 6019-65 (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.6019, pp.60191S.1-60191S.8, 2005).
48.J.F.Ding, A.P.Zhang, H.Y.Fu, “Experimental characterization of the spectra of the etched long-period gratings,” Asia-Pacific Optical Communications 2005 (APOC’05), Shanghai, ID: 6019-127 (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.6019, pp.60193H.1-60193H.9, 2005).
49.X.W.Chen, A.P.Zhang, S.He, and H.Y.Tam, “Stitched long-period fiber gratings for gain-flattening of broadband EDFAs,” Asia-Pacific Optical Communications 2004 (APOC’04), Beijing, ID: 5623-170 (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.5623, n Part 2, 2004, pp.1021-1028).
50.A.P.Zhang, H.Y.Tam, and X.M.Tao, “Mode recoupling in a novel Bragg grating pair,” Optics Letters, Vol.28, No.7, pp.519-521, 2003.
51.A.P.Zhang, X.M.Tao, H.Y.Tam, “Effects of microstructures of smart fiber composites on embedded fiber Bragg grating sensors,” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.22, No.14, pp.1319-1329, 2003.
52.A.P.Zhang, W.H.Chung, H.Y.Tam, and X.M.Tao “Structurized fiber gratings based on mode recouplings for sensing applications,” The 16th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS-16), ID: WeP-20, Japan 2003.
53.A.P.Zhang, W.H.Chung, H.Y.Tam, and X.M.Tao, “Spectral tunable reflector based on concatenated long-period and fiber Bragg gratings,”Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO/Europe’03), pp.652-652, June 2003.
54.A.P.Zhang, X.M.Tao, W.H.Chung, B.O.Guan, and H.Y.Tam, “Cladding-mode-assisted recouplings in concatenated long-period and fiber Bragg gratings,” Optics Letters, Vol.27, No.14, pp.1214-1216, 2002.
55.B.O.Guan, A.P.Zhang, X.M.Tao, and H.Y.Tam, “Step-changed long-period fiber gratings,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.14, No.5, pp.657-659, 2002.
56.A.P.Zhang, B.O.Guan, X.M.Tao, and H.Y.Tam, “Mode couplings in superstructure fiber Bragg gratings,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.14, No.4, pp.489 -491, 2002.
57.A.P.Zhang, B.O.Guan, X.M.Tao, and H.Y.Tam, “Experimental and theoretical analysis of fiber Bragg gratings under lateral compression,” Optics Communications, Vol.206, Iss.1-3, pp.81-87, 2002.
58.A.P.Zhang, X.M.Tao, W.H.Chung, B.O.Guan, and H.Y.Tam, “Novel mode recouplings in concatenated long-period and fiber Bragg gratings,” OSA Annual meeting & Exhibit 2002, ID-ThJ3, Orlando, US, 2002.
59.B.O.Guan, A.P.Zhang, X.M.Tao, H.L.W.Chan, C.L.Choy, H.Y.Tam, and M.S.Demokan, “A novel design of long-period grating filters,” Conference on Optical Fiber Communication 2002 (OFC’02), pp.674-675, Anaheim, California, 2002.
60.A.P.Zhang and X.M.Tao, “Effects of micro-structures of smart fiber composites on embedded fiber Bragg grating sensors,” International Conference of FRP Composites in Civil Engineering 2001 (CICE 2001), pp.1649-1653, Hong Kong, 2001.
61.A.P.Zhang, B.O.Guan, X.M.Tao, and H.Y.Tam, “Effects of compression induced birefringence on reflection spectra of fiber Bragg gratings,” International Symposium on Photonics & Applications 2001, Singapore (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.4595, pp.94-99, 2001).
62.X.M.Tao, A.P.Zhang, D.X.Yang, and H.Y.Tam, “Spectrum response of embedded fiber Bragg grating sensors in complicated strain field,” International Conference on Composite Materials 13, ID-1350, Beijing 2001.

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